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nuværende | 12. sep 2012, 15:45 | ![]() | 212 × 211 (7 KB) | Palosirkka | Scrubbed with |
7. apr 2008, 03:36 | ![]() | 212 × 211 (8 KB) | Tkgd2007 | Fix crop area. | |
7. apr 2008, 03:35 | ![]() | 212 × 211 (8 KB) | Tkgd2007 | Different gloss effect, more similar to the alternative yellow image. | |
18. mar 2008, 10:40 | ![]() | 128 × 127 (6 KB) | Penubag | lighter | |
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18. mar 2008, 09:20 | ![]() | 128 × 127 (6 KB) | Penubag | glossify image | |
1. maj 2007, 18:25 | ![]() | 128 × 127 (7 KB) | Liftarn | {{Information |Description=This image is combined from the following two images. <gallery> Image:Modern clock chris kemps 01.png Image:Nuvola apps important.svg </gallery> The LGPL license of the latter necessitates that this image be licensed under the |
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