
Showing posts from May 20, 2019

Why do Russians almost not use verbs of possession akin to “have”?у него есть чемодан - by him is a suitcaseHow is the “verb government” called in Russian?How to reflexively use the verb вынимать?Use of не стану [делать]Is it possible to translate English tenses into Russian tenses?Directionality of prefixed verbs of motion in present and futureWhy do verbs in past tense—and not other parts of speech—have gender?Why does Russian have three words for marriage?When to use “у” or “к”?Do all verbs in Russian have both an imperfective and perfective aspect?Can you use “едать” and “игрывать” in the present and future tenses?

Cisco 3750X Power Cable What is the purpose of the yellow wired panels on the IBM 360 Model 20? Can a multiclassed Kensei monk/Swashbuckler rogue use an offhand finesse weapon to trigger Sneak Attack, without using a bonus action? Why this character is punished instead of being honoured? Is there a simple example that empirical evidence is misleading? Reduce size of sum sub/superscript? Is a world with one country feeding everyone possible? Why did OJ Simpson's trial take 9 months? Why is this integration method not valid? What is to the west of Westeros? Physical only checkdb is failing, but full one is completed successfully Time complexity of an algorithm: Is it important to state the base of the logarithm? Why does the painters tape have to be blue? Is "vegetable base" a common term in English? Why is 'additive' EQ more difficult to use than 'subtractive'? Can flying creatures choose to hover, even if they don't have h...