Who knighted this Game of Thrones character?Who can knight you so that the knighting 'sticks'?What are the advantages that come with knighthood in Westeros?Is there any proof that Jaime Lannister is actually a good swordsman?Did this Game of Thrones character cause the previous king to go mad?Did Cersei lay out Lancel by punching him in the armor?Purpose behind this scene in Game Of Thrones?What location is this in this Season 7 Game of Thrones trailer?How could this character survive this action in the Game of Thrones episode “The Long Night”?Under what charges was this character executed in Game of Thrones, The Bells?How was this character able to keep fighting effectively in S8E5 of Game of Thrones?Was this prophecy in Game Of Thrones false?What does this symbol mean in Game Of Thrones?

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Who knighted this Game of Thrones character?

Who can knight you so that the knighting 'sticks'?What are the advantages that come with knighthood in Westeros?Is there any proof that Jaime Lannister is actually a good swordsman?Did this Game of Thrones character cause the previous king to go mad?Did Cersei lay out Lancel by punching him in the armor?Purpose behind this scene in Game Of Thrones?What location is this in this Season 7 Game of Thrones trailer?How could this character survive this action in the Game of Thrones episode “The Long Night”?Under what charges was this character executed in Game of Thrones, The Bells?How was this character able to keep fighting effectively in S8E5 of Game of Thrones?Was this prophecy in Game Of Thrones false?What does this symbol mean in Game Of Thrones?

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Earlier in the season Jaime tells us:

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

He then proceeds to knight Brienne. In the final episode we learn that


is now a knight and presumably Kingsguard, so who knighted him? There aren't many knights left in the main cast at least (Bronn, Brienne & Davos) so it must be one of them?

Is there any restrictions on when or how many times a knight can knight someone else?

share|improve this question

  • 2

    Most probably Bran

    – Ankur Rathee
    13 hours ago

  • 5

    @Aegon no kings can knight too, get a fact check

    – Ankur Rathee
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    In real world an appointed member of the royal family can knight someone, Prince Charles does it on the Queens behalf (UK)

    – Seamusthedog
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    @Aegon was an FYI only, not an assumption of the ASOIAF world.

    – Seamusthedog
    13 hours ago

  • 4

    @Aegon In the show the King and Lords/Ladies can also knight people.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    13 hours ago


Earlier in the season Jaime tells us:

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

He then proceeds to knight Brienne. In the final episode we learn that


is now a knight and presumably Kingsguard, so who knighted him? There aren't many knights left in the main cast at least (Bronn, Brienne & Davos) so it must be one of them?

Is there any restrictions on when or how many times a knight can knight someone else?

share|improve this question

  • 2

    Most probably Bran

    – Ankur Rathee
    13 hours ago

  • 5

    @Aegon no kings can knight too, get a fact check

    – Ankur Rathee
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    In real world an appointed member of the royal family can knight someone, Prince Charles does it on the Queens behalf (UK)

    – Seamusthedog
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    @Aegon was an FYI only, not an assumption of the ASOIAF world.

    – Seamusthedog
    13 hours ago

  • 4

    @Aegon In the show the King and Lords/Ladies can also knight people.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    13 hours ago




Earlier in the season Jaime tells us:

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

He then proceeds to knight Brienne. In the final episode we learn that


is now a knight and presumably Kingsguard, so who knighted him? There aren't many knights left in the main cast at least (Bronn, Brienne & Davos) so it must be one of them?

Is there any restrictions on when or how many times a knight can knight someone else?

share|improve this question

Earlier in the season Jaime tells us:

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

He then proceeds to knight Brienne. In the final episode we learn that


is now a knight and presumably Kingsguard, so who knighted him? There aren't many knights left in the main cast at least (Bronn, Brienne & Davos) so it must be one of them?

Is there any restrictions on when or how many times a knight can knight someone else?


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share|improve this question

edited 44 mins ago




asked 14 hours ago




  • 2

    Most probably Bran

    – Ankur Rathee
    13 hours ago

  • 5

    @Aegon no kings can knight too, get a fact check

    – Ankur Rathee
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    In real world an appointed member of the royal family can knight someone, Prince Charles does it on the Queens behalf (UK)

    – Seamusthedog
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    @Aegon was an FYI only, not an assumption of the ASOIAF world.

    – Seamusthedog
    13 hours ago

  • 4

    @Aegon In the show the King and Lords/Ladies can also knight people.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    13 hours ago

  • 2

    Most probably Bran

    – Ankur Rathee
    13 hours ago

  • 5

    @Aegon no kings can knight too, get a fact check

    – Ankur Rathee
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    In real world an appointed member of the royal family can knight someone, Prince Charles does it on the Queens behalf (UK)

    – Seamusthedog
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    @Aegon was an FYI only, not an assumption of the ASOIAF world.

    – Seamusthedog
    13 hours ago

  • 4

    @Aegon In the show the King and Lords/Ladies can also knight people.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    13 hours ago



Most probably Bran

– Ankur Rathee
13 hours ago

Most probably Bran

– Ankur Rathee
13 hours ago



@Aegon no kings can knight too, get a fact check

– Ankur Rathee
13 hours ago

@Aegon no kings can knight too, get a fact check

– Ankur Rathee
13 hours ago



In real world an appointed member of the royal family can knight someone, Prince Charles does it on the Queens behalf (UK)

– Seamusthedog
13 hours ago

In real world an appointed member of the royal family can knight someone, Prince Charles does it on the Queens behalf (UK)

– Seamusthedog
13 hours ago



@Aegon was an FYI only, not an assumption of the ASOIAF world.

– Seamusthedog
13 hours ago

@Aegon was an FYI only, not an assumption of the ASOIAF world.

– Seamusthedog
13 hours ago



@Aegon In the show the King and Lords/Ladies can also knight people.

– TheLethalCarrot
13 hours ago

@Aegon In the show the King and Lords/Ladies can also knight people.

– TheLethalCarrot
13 hours ago

2 Answers





There are three ways to become a knight in Game of Thrones, another knight can make you a knight.

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

As Podrick was Brienne's squire and served under her for quite a long time it is very possible that she knighted him.

Podrick beams next to JAIME. Brienne paces. Bronn stands in the background.

Brienne: I don't need a squire.

Jaime: Of course you do.

Game of Thrones, Season 5 Episode 4, "Oathkeeper"

A king can also make someone a knight as King Tommen Baratheon did to Ser Bronn because of his role in the Battle of Blackwater.

Podrick: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater was anointed by the king himself.

Game of Thrones, Season 3 Episode 1, "Valar Dohaeris"

As Podrick appears to be a member of the Kingsguard it seems possible that Bran could have anointed him for the position on the recommendation of Brienne and Tyrion.

Lastly, we know Lords and Ladies can knight someone as Stannis did to Ser Davos for smuggling the onions into Storm's End under the siege. It's possible that as Podrick was Tyrion's squire for a while and Tyrion was quite fond of him he also could have knighted him.

I'd lean towards Brienne having done it but lacking further evidence we don't know for sure.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Your last one is awkward. It would be weird for Stannis, a decorated military man and brother of the King to not have been knighted for one of his many military campaigns, at the very least the rebellion that lead to his brother's coronation. I do not believe it follows that we know Lords can knight someone. It is far more likely that most Lords are also knights.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago

  • @corsiKa I believe GRRM states Stannis was knighted via correspondence but don’t know about others

    – TheLethalCarrot
    6 hours ago

  • Stannis, as the king's brother, could have also easily asked the king to do it

    – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
    5 hours ago


There's no explicit information regarding this but if we had to venture a guess, I'd say Brienne, presumably. Podrick squired for Brienne. And while it is not necessary, usually the Knight who one squires for knights him. We have examples both ways.

For example:

  • Ser Duncan the Tall was knighted by his master Ser Arlan of Pennytree.

  • Ser Loras Tyrell squired for Renly Baratheon and was knighted by him.

  • Ser Barristan Selmy squired for Lord Manfred Swann but was knighted by King Aegon V for unhorsing the Crown Prince Duncan the Small, Prince of Dragonstone and his namesake the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall.

  • Jaime Lannister squired for Lord Crakehall but he was knighted by Arthur Dayne.

  • Aerys II Targaryen was knighted by Tywin Lannister even though he did not squire for him.

  • Gregor Clegane was knighted by Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone even though he did not squire for him.

  • Raymun Fossoway, founder of Green-Apple Fossoways was knighted by
    Lord Lyonel Baratheon 'The Laughing Storm' even though he squired for
    his cousin, rather than Lord Baratheon.

Since Jaime Lannister knighted Brienne, she has the legal right to knight anyone she wants.

TORMUND: She's not a ser? You're not a knight?

BRIENNE: Women can't be knights.

TORMUND: Why not?

BRIENNE: Tradition.

TORMUND: Fuck tradition.

BRIENNE: I don't even want to be a knight.

TORMUND: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

JAIME: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight. I'll
prove it. Kneel, Lady Brienne. Do you want to be a knight or not?
Kneel. In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the
name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the
Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Brienne of Tarth a
knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

TYRION: Ser Brienne of Tarth! Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!
S08E02 - A knight of the Seven Kingdoms

There is no restriction over who and how many a Knight can Knight. It's usually honour that stops the abuse. While some knights are known to sell knighthood in return for material benefits (See Ser Glendon Flowers of Pussywillows who bought his knighthood by selling his sister's maidenhead to Ser Morgan Dunstable), Knighthood is not all that simple. The honour and reputation of the Knight who's doing the knighting plays a huge role in the about-to-be knighted squire's life. If he was dishonourable, you'd be seen as such as well. If a Knight freely uses his privilege, his bestowed knighthood would be seen as a joke, rather than rightful culmination of a long and arduous process. He'll become notorious in the country and anyone would be foolish to ask him to knight them. Ser Perkin the Flea did so, luring cuthroats and scum of the King's Landing to support Trystane Truefyre, knighting every man who did so. He was eventually sent to the wall for regicide. His cutthroat 'Knights' scattered to four winds, none daring to claim Knighthood since then questions would be asked and they'd be identified as lowborn scum knighted by traitor Ser Perkin. As GRRM said (Credits: Mooz)

[Interviewer] Yet if every knight can create a knight as we have seen in "The Hedge Knight", what prevents a widespread misuse by unscrupulous hedge knights such as Ser Osmynd Kettleblack or the cynical Great Houses?

[GRRM] Social pressure. A knight's peers would look with a certain amount of disfavor on anyone who did this. They might gain money, but they would lose honor. And honor is still very important in this culture.

Also see:

  • What are the benefits of Knighthood?

  • Who can Knight you so that the knighting sticks?

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    After the battle of Nera, I think it is with Sansa POV, there is a long ceremony of rewards and knighthoods by Joffrey.

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 2

    @BebsV Blackwater you mean? Knights of the Kingsguard knighted those people, not Joffrey himself given that Joffrey was not a knight.

    – Aegon
    13 hours ago

  • Yes (Nera is the French translation for Blackwater).

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    Duncan says that Ser Arlan knighted him while dying, but (as far as I know) we never actually see Duncan remembering the event in his point of view. So I think it’s open to doubt if it actually happened, or Duncan just found it expedient to claim that it happened.

    – Mike Scott
    12 hours ago

  • @MikeScott That's why it is in Italics ;) The fact that Duncan hesitates in knighting Raymun Fossoway says it much clearly that he wasn't a knight and his conscience wouldn't let him do it. Thought it might show skepticism without spoiling it for those who have't read it yet.

    – Aegon
    12 hours ago

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2 Answers




2 Answers











There are three ways to become a knight in Game of Thrones, another knight can make you a knight.

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

As Podrick was Brienne's squire and served under her for quite a long time it is very possible that she knighted him.

Podrick beams next to JAIME. Brienne paces. Bronn stands in the background.

Brienne: I don't need a squire.

Jaime: Of course you do.

Game of Thrones, Season 5 Episode 4, "Oathkeeper"

A king can also make someone a knight as King Tommen Baratheon did to Ser Bronn because of his role in the Battle of Blackwater.

Podrick: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater was anointed by the king himself.

Game of Thrones, Season 3 Episode 1, "Valar Dohaeris"

As Podrick appears to be a member of the Kingsguard it seems possible that Bran could have anointed him for the position on the recommendation of Brienne and Tyrion.

Lastly, we know Lords and Ladies can knight someone as Stannis did to Ser Davos for smuggling the onions into Storm's End under the siege. It's possible that as Podrick was Tyrion's squire for a while and Tyrion was quite fond of him he also could have knighted him.

I'd lean towards Brienne having done it but lacking further evidence we don't know for sure.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Your last one is awkward. It would be weird for Stannis, a decorated military man and brother of the King to not have been knighted for one of his many military campaigns, at the very least the rebellion that lead to his brother's coronation. I do not believe it follows that we know Lords can knight someone. It is far more likely that most Lords are also knights.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago

  • @corsiKa I believe GRRM states Stannis was knighted via correspondence but don’t know about others

    – TheLethalCarrot
    6 hours ago

  • Stannis, as the king's brother, could have also easily asked the king to do it

    – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
    5 hours ago


There are three ways to become a knight in Game of Thrones, another knight can make you a knight.

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

As Podrick was Brienne's squire and served under her for quite a long time it is very possible that she knighted him.

Podrick beams next to JAIME. Brienne paces. Bronn stands in the background.

Brienne: I don't need a squire.

Jaime: Of course you do.

Game of Thrones, Season 5 Episode 4, "Oathkeeper"

A king can also make someone a knight as King Tommen Baratheon did to Ser Bronn because of his role in the Battle of Blackwater.

Podrick: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater was anointed by the king himself.

Game of Thrones, Season 3 Episode 1, "Valar Dohaeris"

As Podrick appears to be a member of the Kingsguard it seems possible that Bran could have anointed him for the position on the recommendation of Brienne and Tyrion.

Lastly, we know Lords and Ladies can knight someone as Stannis did to Ser Davos for smuggling the onions into Storm's End under the siege. It's possible that as Podrick was Tyrion's squire for a while and Tyrion was quite fond of him he also could have knighted him.

I'd lean towards Brienne having done it but lacking further evidence we don't know for sure.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Your last one is awkward. It would be weird for Stannis, a decorated military man and brother of the King to not have been knighted for one of his many military campaigns, at the very least the rebellion that lead to his brother's coronation. I do not believe it follows that we know Lords can knight someone. It is far more likely that most Lords are also knights.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago

  • @corsiKa I believe GRRM states Stannis was knighted via correspondence but don’t know about others

    – TheLethalCarrot
    6 hours ago

  • Stannis, as the king's brother, could have also easily asked the king to do it

    – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
    5 hours ago




There are three ways to become a knight in Game of Thrones, another knight can make you a knight.

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

As Podrick was Brienne's squire and served under her for quite a long time it is very possible that she knighted him.

Podrick beams next to JAIME. Brienne paces. Bronn stands in the background.

Brienne: I don't need a squire.

Jaime: Of course you do.

Game of Thrones, Season 5 Episode 4, "Oathkeeper"

A king can also make someone a knight as King Tommen Baratheon did to Ser Bronn because of his role in the Battle of Blackwater.

Podrick: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater was anointed by the king himself.

Game of Thrones, Season 3 Episode 1, "Valar Dohaeris"

As Podrick appears to be a member of the Kingsguard it seems possible that Bran could have anointed him for the position on the recommendation of Brienne and Tyrion.

Lastly, we know Lords and Ladies can knight someone as Stannis did to Ser Davos for smuggling the onions into Storm's End under the siege. It's possible that as Podrick was Tyrion's squire for a while and Tyrion was quite fond of him he also could have knighted him.

I'd lean towards Brienne having done it but lacking further evidence we don't know for sure.

share|improve this answer

There are three ways to become a knight in Game of Thrones, another knight can make you a knight.

Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 2, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

As Podrick was Brienne's squire and served under her for quite a long time it is very possible that she knighted him.

Podrick beams next to JAIME. Brienne paces. Bronn stands in the background.

Brienne: I don't need a squire.

Jaime: Of course you do.

Game of Thrones, Season 5 Episode 4, "Oathkeeper"

A king can also make someone a knight as King Tommen Baratheon did to Ser Bronn because of his role in the Battle of Blackwater.

Podrick: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater was anointed by the king himself.

Game of Thrones, Season 3 Episode 1, "Valar Dohaeris"

As Podrick appears to be a member of the Kingsguard it seems possible that Bran could have anointed him for the position on the recommendation of Brienne and Tyrion.

Lastly, we know Lords and Ladies can knight someone as Stannis did to Ser Davos for smuggling the onions into Storm's End under the siege. It's possible that as Podrick was Tyrion's squire for a while and Tyrion was quite fond of him he also could have knighted him.

I'd lean towards Brienne having done it but lacking further evidence we don't know for sure.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered 13 hours ago




  • 1

    Your last one is awkward. It would be weird for Stannis, a decorated military man and brother of the King to not have been knighted for one of his many military campaigns, at the very least the rebellion that lead to his brother's coronation. I do not believe it follows that we know Lords can knight someone. It is far more likely that most Lords are also knights.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago

  • @corsiKa I believe GRRM states Stannis was knighted via correspondence but don’t know about others

    – TheLethalCarrot
    6 hours ago

  • Stannis, as the king's brother, could have also easily asked the king to do it

    – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
    5 hours ago

  • 1

    Your last one is awkward. It would be weird for Stannis, a decorated military man and brother of the King to not have been knighted for one of his many military campaigns, at the very least the rebellion that lead to his brother's coronation. I do not believe it follows that we know Lords can knight someone. It is far more likely that most Lords are also knights.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago

  • @corsiKa I believe GRRM states Stannis was knighted via correspondence but don’t know about others

    – TheLethalCarrot
    6 hours ago

  • Stannis, as the king's brother, could have also easily asked the king to do it

    – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
    5 hours ago



Your last one is awkward. It would be weird for Stannis, a decorated military man and brother of the King to not have been knighted for one of his many military campaigns, at the very least the rebellion that lead to his brother's coronation. I do not believe it follows that we know Lords can knight someone. It is far more likely that most Lords are also knights.

– corsiKa
6 hours ago

Your last one is awkward. It would be weird for Stannis, a decorated military man and brother of the King to not have been knighted for one of his many military campaigns, at the very least the rebellion that lead to his brother's coronation. I do not believe it follows that we know Lords can knight someone. It is far more likely that most Lords are also knights.

– corsiKa
6 hours ago

@corsiKa I believe GRRM states Stannis was knighted via correspondence but don’t know about others

– TheLethalCarrot
6 hours ago

@corsiKa I believe GRRM states Stannis was knighted via correspondence but don’t know about others

– TheLethalCarrot
6 hours ago

Stannis, as the king's brother, could have also easily asked the king to do it

– BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
5 hours ago

Stannis, as the king's brother, could have also easily asked the king to do it

– BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
5 hours ago


There's no explicit information regarding this but if we had to venture a guess, I'd say Brienne, presumably. Podrick squired for Brienne. And while it is not necessary, usually the Knight who one squires for knights him. We have examples both ways.

For example:

  • Ser Duncan the Tall was knighted by his master Ser Arlan of Pennytree.

  • Ser Loras Tyrell squired for Renly Baratheon and was knighted by him.

  • Ser Barristan Selmy squired for Lord Manfred Swann but was knighted by King Aegon V for unhorsing the Crown Prince Duncan the Small, Prince of Dragonstone and his namesake the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall.

  • Jaime Lannister squired for Lord Crakehall but he was knighted by Arthur Dayne.

  • Aerys II Targaryen was knighted by Tywin Lannister even though he did not squire for him.

  • Gregor Clegane was knighted by Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone even though he did not squire for him.

  • Raymun Fossoway, founder of Green-Apple Fossoways was knighted by
    Lord Lyonel Baratheon 'The Laughing Storm' even though he squired for
    his cousin, rather than Lord Baratheon.

Since Jaime Lannister knighted Brienne, she has the legal right to knight anyone she wants.

TORMUND: She's not a ser? You're not a knight?

BRIENNE: Women can't be knights.

TORMUND: Why not?

BRIENNE: Tradition.

TORMUND: Fuck tradition.

BRIENNE: I don't even want to be a knight.

TORMUND: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

JAIME: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight. I'll
prove it. Kneel, Lady Brienne. Do you want to be a knight or not?
Kneel. In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the
name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the
Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Brienne of Tarth a
knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

TYRION: Ser Brienne of Tarth! Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!
S08E02 - A knight of the Seven Kingdoms

There is no restriction over who and how many a Knight can Knight. It's usually honour that stops the abuse. While some knights are known to sell knighthood in return for material benefits (See Ser Glendon Flowers of Pussywillows who bought his knighthood by selling his sister's maidenhead to Ser Morgan Dunstable), Knighthood is not all that simple. The honour and reputation of the Knight who's doing the knighting plays a huge role in the about-to-be knighted squire's life. If he was dishonourable, you'd be seen as such as well. If a Knight freely uses his privilege, his bestowed knighthood would be seen as a joke, rather than rightful culmination of a long and arduous process. He'll become notorious in the country and anyone would be foolish to ask him to knight them. Ser Perkin the Flea did so, luring cuthroats and scum of the King's Landing to support Trystane Truefyre, knighting every man who did so. He was eventually sent to the wall for regicide. His cutthroat 'Knights' scattered to four winds, none daring to claim Knighthood since then questions would be asked and they'd be identified as lowborn scum knighted by traitor Ser Perkin. As GRRM said (Credits: Mooz)

[Interviewer] Yet if every knight can create a knight as we have seen in "The Hedge Knight", what prevents a widespread misuse by unscrupulous hedge knights such as Ser Osmynd Kettleblack or the cynical Great Houses?

[GRRM] Social pressure. A knight's peers would look with a certain amount of disfavor on anyone who did this. They might gain money, but they would lose honor. And honor is still very important in this culture.

Also see:

  • What are the benefits of Knighthood?

  • Who can Knight you so that the knighting sticks?

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    After the battle of Nera, I think it is with Sansa POV, there is a long ceremony of rewards and knighthoods by Joffrey.

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 2

    @BebsV Blackwater you mean? Knights of the Kingsguard knighted those people, not Joffrey himself given that Joffrey was not a knight.

    – Aegon
    13 hours ago

  • Yes (Nera is the French translation for Blackwater).

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    Duncan says that Ser Arlan knighted him while dying, but (as far as I know) we never actually see Duncan remembering the event in his point of view. So I think it’s open to doubt if it actually happened, or Duncan just found it expedient to claim that it happened.

    – Mike Scott
    12 hours ago

  • @MikeScott That's why it is in Italics ;) The fact that Duncan hesitates in knighting Raymun Fossoway says it much clearly that he wasn't a knight and his conscience wouldn't let him do it. Thought it might show skepticism without spoiling it for those who have't read it yet.

    – Aegon
    12 hours ago


There's no explicit information regarding this but if we had to venture a guess, I'd say Brienne, presumably. Podrick squired for Brienne. And while it is not necessary, usually the Knight who one squires for knights him. We have examples both ways.

For example:

  • Ser Duncan the Tall was knighted by his master Ser Arlan of Pennytree.

  • Ser Loras Tyrell squired for Renly Baratheon and was knighted by him.

  • Ser Barristan Selmy squired for Lord Manfred Swann but was knighted by King Aegon V for unhorsing the Crown Prince Duncan the Small, Prince of Dragonstone and his namesake the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall.

  • Jaime Lannister squired for Lord Crakehall but he was knighted by Arthur Dayne.

  • Aerys II Targaryen was knighted by Tywin Lannister even though he did not squire for him.

  • Gregor Clegane was knighted by Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone even though he did not squire for him.

  • Raymun Fossoway, founder of Green-Apple Fossoways was knighted by
    Lord Lyonel Baratheon 'The Laughing Storm' even though he squired for
    his cousin, rather than Lord Baratheon.

Since Jaime Lannister knighted Brienne, she has the legal right to knight anyone she wants.

TORMUND: She's not a ser? You're not a knight?

BRIENNE: Women can't be knights.

TORMUND: Why not?

BRIENNE: Tradition.

TORMUND: Fuck tradition.

BRIENNE: I don't even want to be a knight.

TORMUND: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

JAIME: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight. I'll
prove it. Kneel, Lady Brienne. Do you want to be a knight or not?
Kneel. In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the
name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the
Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Brienne of Tarth a
knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

TYRION: Ser Brienne of Tarth! Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!
S08E02 - A knight of the Seven Kingdoms

There is no restriction over who and how many a Knight can Knight. It's usually honour that stops the abuse. While some knights are known to sell knighthood in return for material benefits (See Ser Glendon Flowers of Pussywillows who bought his knighthood by selling his sister's maidenhead to Ser Morgan Dunstable), Knighthood is not all that simple. The honour and reputation of the Knight who's doing the knighting plays a huge role in the about-to-be knighted squire's life. If he was dishonourable, you'd be seen as such as well. If a Knight freely uses his privilege, his bestowed knighthood would be seen as a joke, rather than rightful culmination of a long and arduous process. He'll become notorious in the country and anyone would be foolish to ask him to knight them. Ser Perkin the Flea did so, luring cuthroats and scum of the King's Landing to support Trystane Truefyre, knighting every man who did so. He was eventually sent to the wall for regicide. His cutthroat 'Knights' scattered to four winds, none daring to claim Knighthood since then questions would be asked and they'd be identified as lowborn scum knighted by traitor Ser Perkin. As GRRM said (Credits: Mooz)

[Interviewer] Yet if every knight can create a knight as we have seen in "The Hedge Knight", what prevents a widespread misuse by unscrupulous hedge knights such as Ser Osmynd Kettleblack or the cynical Great Houses?

[GRRM] Social pressure. A knight's peers would look with a certain amount of disfavor on anyone who did this. They might gain money, but they would lose honor. And honor is still very important in this culture.

Also see:

  • What are the benefits of Knighthood?

  • Who can Knight you so that the knighting sticks?

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    After the battle of Nera, I think it is with Sansa POV, there is a long ceremony of rewards and knighthoods by Joffrey.

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 2

    @BebsV Blackwater you mean? Knights of the Kingsguard knighted those people, not Joffrey himself given that Joffrey was not a knight.

    – Aegon
    13 hours ago

  • Yes (Nera is the French translation for Blackwater).

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    Duncan says that Ser Arlan knighted him while dying, but (as far as I know) we never actually see Duncan remembering the event in his point of view. So I think it’s open to doubt if it actually happened, or Duncan just found it expedient to claim that it happened.

    – Mike Scott
    12 hours ago

  • @MikeScott That's why it is in Italics ;) The fact that Duncan hesitates in knighting Raymun Fossoway says it much clearly that he wasn't a knight and his conscience wouldn't let him do it. Thought it might show skepticism without spoiling it for those who have't read it yet.

    – Aegon
    12 hours ago




There's no explicit information regarding this but if we had to venture a guess, I'd say Brienne, presumably. Podrick squired for Brienne. And while it is not necessary, usually the Knight who one squires for knights him. We have examples both ways.

For example:

  • Ser Duncan the Tall was knighted by his master Ser Arlan of Pennytree.

  • Ser Loras Tyrell squired for Renly Baratheon and was knighted by him.

  • Ser Barristan Selmy squired for Lord Manfred Swann but was knighted by King Aegon V for unhorsing the Crown Prince Duncan the Small, Prince of Dragonstone and his namesake the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall.

  • Jaime Lannister squired for Lord Crakehall but he was knighted by Arthur Dayne.

  • Aerys II Targaryen was knighted by Tywin Lannister even though he did not squire for him.

  • Gregor Clegane was knighted by Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone even though he did not squire for him.

  • Raymun Fossoway, founder of Green-Apple Fossoways was knighted by
    Lord Lyonel Baratheon 'The Laughing Storm' even though he squired for
    his cousin, rather than Lord Baratheon.

Since Jaime Lannister knighted Brienne, she has the legal right to knight anyone she wants.

TORMUND: She's not a ser? You're not a knight?

BRIENNE: Women can't be knights.

TORMUND: Why not?

BRIENNE: Tradition.

TORMUND: Fuck tradition.

BRIENNE: I don't even want to be a knight.

TORMUND: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

JAIME: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight. I'll
prove it. Kneel, Lady Brienne. Do you want to be a knight or not?
Kneel. In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the
name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the
Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Brienne of Tarth a
knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

TYRION: Ser Brienne of Tarth! Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!
S08E02 - A knight of the Seven Kingdoms

There is no restriction over who and how many a Knight can Knight. It's usually honour that stops the abuse. While some knights are known to sell knighthood in return for material benefits (See Ser Glendon Flowers of Pussywillows who bought his knighthood by selling his sister's maidenhead to Ser Morgan Dunstable), Knighthood is not all that simple. The honour and reputation of the Knight who's doing the knighting plays a huge role in the about-to-be knighted squire's life. If he was dishonourable, you'd be seen as such as well. If a Knight freely uses his privilege, his bestowed knighthood would be seen as a joke, rather than rightful culmination of a long and arduous process. He'll become notorious in the country and anyone would be foolish to ask him to knight them. Ser Perkin the Flea did so, luring cuthroats and scum of the King's Landing to support Trystane Truefyre, knighting every man who did so. He was eventually sent to the wall for regicide. His cutthroat 'Knights' scattered to four winds, none daring to claim Knighthood since then questions would be asked and they'd be identified as lowborn scum knighted by traitor Ser Perkin. As GRRM said (Credits: Mooz)

[Interviewer] Yet if every knight can create a knight as we have seen in "The Hedge Knight", what prevents a widespread misuse by unscrupulous hedge knights such as Ser Osmynd Kettleblack or the cynical Great Houses?

[GRRM] Social pressure. A knight's peers would look with a certain amount of disfavor on anyone who did this. They might gain money, but they would lose honor. And honor is still very important in this culture.

Also see:

  • What are the benefits of Knighthood?

  • Who can Knight you so that the knighting sticks?

share|improve this answer

There's no explicit information regarding this but if we had to venture a guess, I'd say Brienne, presumably. Podrick squired for Brienne. And while it is not necessary, usually the Knight who one squires for knights him. We have examples both ways.

For example:

  • Ser Duncan the Tall was knighted by his master Ser Arlan of Pennytree.

  • Ser Loras Tyrell squired for Renly Baratheon and was knighted by him.

  • Ser Barristan Selmy squired for Lord Manfred Swann but was knighted by King Aegon V for unhorsing the Crown Prince Duncan the Small, Prince of Dragonstone and his namesake the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall.

  • Jaime Lannister squired for Lord Crakehall but he was knighted by Arthur Dayne.

  • Aerys II Targaryen was knighted by Tywin Lannister even though he did not squire for him.

  • Gregor Clegane was knighted by Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone even though he did not squire for him.

  • Raymun Fossoway, founder of Green-Apple Fossoways was knighted by
    Lord Lyonel Baratheon 'The Laughing Storm' even though he squired for
    his cousin, rather than Lord Baratheon.

Since Jaime Lannister knighted Brienne, she has the legal right to knight anyone she wants.

TORMUND: She's not a ser? You're not a knight?

BRIENNE: Women can't be knights.

TORMUND: Why not?

BRIENNE: Tradition.

TORMUND: Fuck tradition.

BRIENNE: I don't even want to be a knight.

TORMUND: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

JAIME: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight. I'll
prove it. Kneel, Lady Brienne. Do you want to be a knight or not?
Kneel. In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the
name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the
Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Brienne of Tarth a
knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

TYRION: Ser Brienne of Tarth! Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!
S08E02 - A knight of the Seven Kingdoms

There is no restriction over who and how many a Knight can Knight. It's usually honour that stops the abuse. While some knights are known to sell knighthood in return for material benefits (See Ser Glendon Flowers of Pussywillows who bought his knighthood by selling his sister's maidenhead to Ser Morgan Dunstable), Knighthood is not all that simple. The honour and reputation of the Knight who's doing the knighting plays a huge role in the about-to-be knighted squire's life. If he was dishonourable, you'd be seen as such as well. If a Knight freely uses his privilege, his bestowed knighthood would be seen as a joke, rather than rightful culmination of a long and arduous process. He'll become notorious in the country and anyone would be foolish to ask him to knight them. Ser Perkin the Flea did so, luring cuthroats and scum of the King's Landing to support Trystane Truefyre, knighting every man who did so. He was eventually sent to the wall for regicide. His cutthroat 'Knights' scattered to four winds, none daring to claim Knighthood since then questions would be asked and they'd be identified as lowborn scum knighted by traitor Ser Perkin. As GRRM said (Credits: Mooz)

[Interviewer] Yet if every knight can create a knight as we have seen in "The Hedge Knight", what prevents a widespread misuse by unscrupulous hedge knights such as Ser Osmynd Kettleblack or the cynical Great Houses?

[GRRM] Social pressure. A knight's peers would look with a certain amount of disfavor on anyone who did this. They might gain money, but they would lose honor. And honor is still very important in this culture.

Also see:

  • What are the benefits of Knighthood?

  • Who can Knight you so that the knighting sticks?

share|improve this answer

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edited 12 hours ago

answered 13 hours ago




  • 2

    After the battle of Nera, I think it is with Sansa POV, there is a long ceremony of rewards and knighthoods by Joffrey.

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 2

    @BebsV Blackwater you mean? Knights of the Kingsguard knighted those people, not Joffrey himself given that Joffrey was not a knight.

    – Aegon
    13 hours ago

  • Yes (Nera is the French translation for Blackwater).

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    Duncan says that Ser Arlan knighted him while dying, but (as far as I know) we never actually see Duncan remembering the event in his point of view. So I think it’s open to doubt if it actually happened, or Duncan just found it expedient to claim that it happened.

    – Mike Scott
    12 hours ago

  • @MikeScott That's why it is in Italics ;) The fact that Duncan hesitates in knighting Raymun Fossoway says it much clearly that he wasn't a knight and his conscience wouldn't let him do it. Thought it might show skepticism without spoiling it for those who have't read it yet.

    – Aegon
    12 hours ago

  • 2

    After the battle of Nera, I think it is with Sansa POV, there is a long ceremony of rewards and knighthoods by Joffrey.

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 2

    @BebsV Blackwater you mean? Knights of the Kingsguard knighted those people, not Joffrey himself given that Joffrey was not a knight.

    – Aegon
    13 hours ago

  • Yes (Nera is the French translation for Blackwater).

    – Bebs V
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    Duncan says that Ser Arlan knighted him while dying, but (as far as I know) we never actually see Duncan remembering the event in his point of view. So I think it’s open to doubt if it actually happened, or Duncan just found it expedient to claim that it happened.

    – Mike Scott
    12 hours ago

  • @MikeScott That's why it is in Italics ;) The fact that Duncan hesitates in knighting Raymun Fossoway says it much clearly that he wasn't a knight and his conscience wouldn't let him do it. Thought it might show skepticism without spoiling it for those who have't read it yet.

    – Aegon
    12 hours ago



After the battle of Nera, I think it is with Sansa POV, there is a long ceremony of rewards and knighthoods by Joffrey.

– Bebs V
13 hours ago

After the battle of Nera, I think it is with Sansa POV, there is a long ceremony of rewards and knighthoods by Joffrey.

– Bebs V
13 hours ago



@BebsV Blackwater you mean? Knights of the Kingsguard knighted those people, not Joffrey himself given that Joffrey was not a knight.

– Aegon
13 hours ago

@BebsV Blackwater you mean? Knights of the Kingsguard knighted those people, not Joffrey himself given that Joffrey was not a knight.

– Aegon
13 hours ago

Yes (Nera is the French translation for Blackwater).

– Bebs V
13 hours ago

Yes (Nera is the French translation for Blackwater).

– Bebs V
13 hours ago



Duncan says that Ser Arlan knighted him while dying, but (as far as I know) we never actually see Duncan remembering the event in his point of view. So I think it’s open to doubt if it actually happened, or Duncan just found it expedient to claim that it happened.

– Mike Scott
12 hours ago

Duncan says that Ser Arlan knighted him while dying, but (as far as I know) we never actually see Duncan remembering the event in his point of view. So I think it’s open to doubt if it actually happened, or Duncan just found it expedient to claim that it happened.

– Mike Scott
12 hours ago

@MikeScott That's why it is in Italics ;) The fact that Duncan hesitates in knighting Raymun Fossoway says it much clearly that he wasn't a knight and his conscience wouldn't let him do it. Thought it might show skepticism without spoiling it for those who have't read it yet.

– Aegon
12 hours ago

@MikeScott That's why it is in Italics ;) The fact that Duncan hesitates in knighting Raymun Fossoway says it much clearly that he wasn't a knight and his conscience wouldn't let him do it. Thought it might show skepticism without spoiling it for those who have't read it yet.

– Aegon
12 hours ago

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