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BEVIDSTDAME Nyt om navne Bliv abonnent og ls hele historienMEST LSTE - LIGE NU Alle i busselskab i chok: Buschauffr slet ned af vred passager Flere fynske VUC-centre er lukningstruede Lst inde i konkursbo: Fynboer str uden sommerdk Ejer af udbrndt ivrkstterhus afventer forsikringsselskabs afgrelse Nygifte: Diskofil sanger fik sin kongelige skuespiller Medlem af Bestseller-familie var indlagt efter bombeangreb Odense Danmark SENESTE NYT Faaborg-Midtfyn MEST LSTE Alle i busselskab i chok: Buschauffr slet ned af vred passager Flere fynske VUC-centre er lukningstruede Lst inde i konkursbo: Fynboer str uden sommerdk Ejer af udbrndt ivrkstterhus afventer forsikringsselskabs afgrelse Nygifte: Diskofil sanger fik sin kongelige skuespiller Medlem af Bestseller-familie var indlagt efter bombeangreb Sport Kerteminde SENESTE NYT Odense Svendborg Fyn Erhverv Fyn Danmark Odense Odense Faaborg-Midtfyn


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// This should be configurable (canonical URL)!
var articleUrl = $('meta[property="og:url"]').attr('content');
var shareClass = "facebookShare";
var disableComments = "0";

window.fbAsyncInit = function()
appId : '179409695476934',
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status : true, // check login status
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oauth : true, // enable OAuth 2.0
version : 'v2.8'

// Attach events to functions
FB.Event.subscribe('xfbml.render', fb_social_plugins_loaded);
if (objectType == "article" && disableComments == 0)
// Comments event are only available for articles (is the only place where the comment plugin is placed)
FB.Event.subscribe('comment.create', comment_callback_create);
FB.Event.subscribe('comment.remove', comment_callback_remove);
// fired when the user likes something
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', edge_create);

//////////////////////////////// END OF fbAsyncInit

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// IE8 and older gives an error.
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(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

var comment_callback_create = function(response)
// When someone does a comment go to the socialmedia module to update the comment counter
$.post("", object_id: articleid, object_type: objectType, href: articleUrl );

if (typeof ga === 'function')
ga('send', 'event', 'Add comment', 'Klik', 'Nyt om navne');


var comment_callback_remove = function(response)
// When someone deletes a comment go to the socialmedia module to update the comment counter.
// NOTE(IT SEEMS IS NOT THE CASE ON LIVE!): Since facebook has a delay when someone deletes a comment we decrease by one the comment counter on delete
$.post("", object_id: articleid, object_type: objectType, href: articleUrl );

var edge_create = function(response)
$.post("", id: articleid, type: objectType, url: articleUrl);

if (typeof ga === 'function')
ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'like', articleUrl);


function fb_social_plugins_loaded()
// Make the facebook share functionality work with the API
$("." + shareClass).click(function() attr == false) href == false

method: 'share',
href: href,
mobile_iframe: true
, function(response));


var count = parseInt($(this).find('span.fb_comments_count').text());
if ( count >= 5 )
if ($(this).hasClass("hide-facebook-comments"))


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case 'userIsLoggedIn canRead':
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case 'userIsLoggedIn':
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status = 'anon';

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// Wrap code in cmpReady event, so code only runs when user has accepted cookies
window.__cmp('addEventListener', 'cmpReady', function(result)
window.__cmp('getConsentData', null, function(result)
// Code to run when user has accepted cookies
_sf_async_config.noCookies = false;

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