Output the date in the Mel calendarValiDate ISO 8601 by RXResolving the Date Format DisputeRollover CalendarForgotten Realms date calculatorRoman-style date formattingFriday the 13thBeat Pure Regular Expressions at Validating ISO 8601 DatesThe Last MondayWhat's the Date?Date Occurrences

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Output the date in the Mel calendar

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Output the date in the Mel calendar

ValiDate ISO 8601 by RXResolving the Date Format DisputeRollover CalendarForgotten Realms date calculatorRoman-style date formattingFriday the 13thBeat Pure Regular Expressions at Validating ISO 8601 DatesThe Last MondayWhat's the Date?Date Occurrences



The Mel calendar is used in the fictional world of Kaldia. Your goal is to convert dates into the Mel calendar.

This calendar has 13 months of 28 days each, plus 1 or 2 extra days after the last month. A year that is divisible by 4 but not by 100, or divisible by 400 has 366 days, and other years have 365 (i.e. our leap year rules, but with years in the Mel calendar).

You should use the month and day name abbreviations:

months: dia vio lis gil ful dyu mel ral zan pal mik fav ruj

days: dia vio lis gil ful dyu mel ral zan pal mik fav ruj ser rav tan lin rez jil din ket len lax nen pin mat kun mir

The extra days outside of any month have the month name of myuxet (no abbreviation here), and the day names are axet and teems, respectively.

0 dia dia is 1988/11/30.

You can take the input date as a string or a (year, month, day) tuple; alternatively, for functions, the parameter can be in your standard library's date type. The output should be a space-separated string.

Test cases

1776-07-04 => -213 ral ket
1859-12-15 => -129 dia rav
1917-04-14 => -72 ful nen
1981-02-04 => -8 lis mik
1988-11-30 => 0 dia dia
1988-12-01 => 0 dia vio
1988-12-28 => 0 vio dia
2017-01-01 => 28 vio ful
2019-04-22 => 30 dyu lis
2019-11-30 => 30 myuxet axet
2019-12-01 => 31 dia dia
2021-11-29 => 32 myuxet axet
2021-11-30 => 32 myuxet teems
2089-11-30 => 101 dia dia
2389-11-30 => 400 myuxet teems

Reference implementation in Perl 6

Standard loopholes are forbidden.

share|improve this question


  • 3

    You should probably include in your post that axet and teems are at the end of the year, I was confused until I looked at the link
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    56 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    It has to be a space-separated string.
    – bb94
    22 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Can we take input as a three value named tuple or a list of three values each signifying year, month, and day?
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    19 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Yes, that's fine.
    – bb94
    17 mins ago



The Mel calendar is used in the fictional world of Kaldia. Your goal is to convert dates into the Mel calendar.

This calendar has 13 months of 28 days each, plus 1 or 2 extra days after the last month. A year that is divisible by 4 but not by 100, or divisible by 400 has 366 days, and other years have 365 (i.e. our leap year rules, but with years in the Mel calendar).

You should use the month and day name abbreviations:

months: dia vio lis gil ful dyu mel ral zan pal mik fav ruj

days: dia vio lis gil ful dyu mel ral zan pal mik fav ruj ser rav tan lin rez jil din ket len lax nen pin mat kun mir

The extra days outside of any month have the month name of myuxet (no abbreviation here), and the day names are axet and teems, respectively.

0 dia dia is 1988/11/30.

You can take the input date as a string or a (year, month, day) tuple; alternatively, for functions, the parameter can be in your standard library's date type. The output should be a space-separated string.

Test cases

1776-07-04 => -213 ral ket
1859-12-15 => -129 dia rav
1917-04-14 => -72 ful nen
1981-02-04 => -8 lis mik
1988-11-30 => 0 dia dia
1988-12-01 => 0 dia vio
1988-12-28 => 0 vio dia
2017-01-01 => 28 vio ful
2019-04-22 => 30 dyu lis
2019-11-30 => 30 myuxet axet
2019-12-01 => 31 dia dia
2021-11-29 => 32 myuxet axet
2021-11-30 => 32 myuxet teems
2089-11-30 => 101 dia dia
2389-11-30 => 400 myuxet teems

Reference implementation in Perl 6

Standard loopholes are forbidden.

share|improve this question


  • 3

    You should probably include in your post that axet and teems are at the end of the year, I was confused until I looked at the link
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    56 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    It has to be a space-separated string.
    – bb94
    22 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Can we take input as a three value named tuple or a list of three values each signifying year, month, and day?
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    19 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Yes, that's fine.
    – bb94
    17 mins ago





The Mel calendar is used in the fictional world of Kaldia. Your goal is to convert dates into the Mel calendar.

This calendar has 13 months of 28 days each, plus 1 or 2 extra days after the last month. A year that is divisible by 4 but not by 100, or divisible by 400 has 366 days, and other years have 365 (i.e. our leap year rules, but with years in the Mel calendar).

You should use the month and day name abbreviations:

months: dia vio lis gil ful dyu mel ral zan pal mik fav ruj

days: dia vio lis gil ful dyu mel ral zan pal mik fav ruj ser rav tan lin rez jil din ket len lax nen pin mat kun mir

The extra days outside of any month have the month name of myuxet (no abbreviation here), and the day names are axet and teems, respectively.

0 dia dia is 1988/11/30.

You can take the input date as a string or a (year, month, day) tuple; alternatively, for functions, the parameter can be in your standard library's date type. The output should be a space-separated string.

Test cases

1776-07-04 => -213 ral ket
1859-12-15 => -129 dia rav
1917-04-14 => -72 ful nen
1981-02-04 => -8 lis mik
1988-11-30 => 0 dia dia
1988-12-01 => 0 dia vio
1988-12-28 => 0 vio dia
2017-01-01 => 28 vio ful
2019-04-22 => 30 dyu lis
2019-11-30 => 30 myuxet axet
2019-12-01 => 31 dia dia
2021-11-29 => 32 myuxet axet
2021-11-30 => 32 myuxet teems
2089-11-30 => 101 dia dia
2389-11-30 => 400 myuxet teems

Reference implementation in Perl 6

Standard loopholes are forbidden.

share|improve this question


The Mel calendar is used in the fictional world of Kaldia. Your goal is to convert dates into the Mel calendar.

This calendar has 13 months of 28 days each, plus 1 or 2 extra days after the last month. A year that is divisible by 4 but not by 100, or divisible by 400 has 366 days, and other years have 365 (i.e. our leap year rules, but with years in the Mel calendar).

You should use the month and day name abbreviations:

months: dia vio lis gil ful dyu mel ral zan pal mik fav ruj

days: dia vio lis gil ful dyu mel ral zan pal mik fav ruj ser rav tan lin rez jil din ket len lax nen pin mat kun mir

The extra days outside of any month have the month name of myuxet (no abbreviation here), and the day names are axet and teems, respectively.

0 dia dia is 1988/11/30.

You can take the input date as a string or a (year, month, day) tuple; alternatively, for functions, the parameter can be in your standard library's date type. The output should be a space-separated string.

Test cases

1776-07-04 => -213 ral ket
1859-12-15 => -129 dia rav
1917-04-14 => -72 ful nen
1981-02-04 => -8 lis mik
1988-11-30 => 0 dia dia
1988-12-01 => 0 dia vio
1988-12-28 => 0 vio dia
2017-01-01 => 28 vio ful
2019-04-22 => 30 dyu lis
2019-11-30 => 30 myuxet axet
2019-12-01 => 31 dia dia
2021-11-29 => 32 myuxet axet
2021-11-30 => 32 myuxet teems
2089-11-30 => 101 dia dia
2389-11-30 => 400 myuxet teems

Reference implementation in Perl 6

Standard loopholes are forbidden.

code-golf date

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited 17 mins ago


asked 2 hours ago




  • 3

    You should probably include in your post that axet and teems are at the end of the year, I was confused until I looked at the link
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    56 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    It has to be a space-separated string.
    – bb94
    22 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Can we take input as a three value named tuple or a list of three values each signifying year, month, and day?
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    19 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Yes, that's fine.
    – bb94
    17 mins ago

  • 3

    You should probably include in your post that axet and teems are at the end of the year, I was confused until I looked at the link
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    56 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    It has to be a space-separated string.
    – bb94
    22 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Can we take input as a three value named tuple or a list of three values each signifying year, month, and day?
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    19 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Yes, that's fine.
    – bb94
    17 mins ago



You should probably include in your post that axet and teems are at the end of the year, I was confused until I looked at the link
– Embodiment of Ignorance
56 mins ago

You should probably include in your post that axet and teems are at the end of the year, I was confused until I looked at the link
– Embodiment of Ignorance
56 mins ago

It has to be a space-separated string.
– bb94
22 mins ago

It has to be a space-separated string.
– bb94
22 mins ago

Can we take input as a three value named tuple or a list of three values each signifying year, month, and day?
– Embodiment of Ignorance
19 mins ago

Can we take input as a three value named tuple or a list of three values each signifying year, month, and day?
– Embodiment of Ignorance
19 mins ago

Yes, that's fine.
– bb94
17 mins ago

Yes, that's fine.
– bb94
17 mins ago

2 Answers






Ruby, 199 bytes

Oof, only 23 bytes saved over the sample Perl code... I blame the fact that I have to subtract a bigger number due to using a Time class instead of what I assume is a Date class in Perl. (AFAIK importing Ruby's Date class is 2 bytes longer)

->dd-=62764070400;y=d.yday;m=y/28;s="diaviolisgilfuldyumelralzanpalmikfavrujserravtanlinrezjildinketlenlaxnenpinmatkunmir".scan /.../;[d.year,m<13?s[m]:"myuxet",(m<13?s:%w[axet teems])[y%28-1]]*' '

Try it online!

share|improve this answer




    Perl 6, 174 bytes

    ("myuxet"X <axet teems>))[.day-of-year-1])o*-726436

    Try it online!

    Generate a list of all the valid dates and then indexes the day of the year into that list.

    share|improve this answer


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      2 Answers




      2 Answers












      Ruby, 199 bytes

      Oof, only 23 bytes saved over the sample Perl code... I blame the fact that I have to subtract a bigger number due to using a Time class instead of what I assume is a Date class in Perl. (AFAIK importing Ruby's Date class is 2 bytes longer)

      ->dd-=62764070400;y=d.yday;m=y/28;s="diaviolisgilfuldyumelralzanpalmikfavrujserravtanlinrezjildinketlenlaxnenpinmatkunmir".scan /.../;[d.year,m<13?s[m]:"myuxet",(m<13?s:%w[axet teems])[y%28-1]]*' '

      Try it online!

      share|improve this answer




        Ruby, 199 bytes

        Oof, only 23 bytes saved over the sample Perl code... I blame the fact that I have to subtract a bigger number due to using a Time class instead of what I assume is a Date class in Perl. (AFAIK importing Ruby's Date class is 2 bytes longer)

        ->dd-=62764070400;y=d.yday;m=y/28;s="diaviolisgilfuldyumelralzanpalmikfavrujserravtanlinrezjildinketlenlaxnenpinmatkunmir".scan /.../;[d.year,m<13?s[m]:"myuxet",(m<13?s:%w[axet teems])[y%28-1]]*' '

        Try it online!

        share|improve this answer






          Ruby, 199 bytes

          Oof, only 23 bytes saved over the sample Perl code... I blame the fact that I have to subtract a bigger number due to using a Time class instead of what I assume is a Date class in Perl. (AFAIK importing Ruby's Date class is 2 bytes longer)

          ->dd-=62764070400;y=d.yday;m=y/28;s="diaviolisgilfuldyumelralzanpalmikfavrujserravtanlinrezjildinketlenlaxnenpinmatkunmir".scan /.../;[d.year,m<13?s[m]:"myuxet",(m<13?s:%w[axet teems])[y%28-1]]*' '

          Try it online!

          share|improve this answer


          Ruby, 199 bytes

          Oof, only 23 bytes saved over the sample Perl code... I blame the fact that I have to subtract a bigger number due to using a Time class instead of what I assume is a Date class in Perl. (AFAIK importing Ruby's Date class is 2 bytes longer)

          ->dd-=62764070400;y=d.yday;m=y/28;s="diaviolisgilfuldyumelralzanpalmikfavrujserravtanlinrezjildinketlenlaxnenpinmatkunmir".scan /.../;[d.year,m<13?s[m]:"myuxet",(m<13?s:%w[axet teems])[y%28-1]]*' '

          Try it online!

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 1 hour ago

          Value InkValue Ink





              Perl 6, 174 bytes

              ("myuxet"X <axet teems>))[.day-of-year-1])o*-726436

              Try it online!

              Generate a list of all the valid dates and then indexes the day of the year into that list.

              share|improve this answer




                Perl 6, 174 bytes

                ("myuxet"X <axet teems>))[.day-of-year-1])o*-726436

                Try it online!

                Generate a list of all the valid dates and then indexes the day of the year into that list.

                share|improve this answer






                  Perl 6, 174 bytes

                  ("myuxet"X <axet teems>))[.day-of-year-1])o*-726436

                  Try it online!

                  Generate a list of all the valid dates and then indexes the day of the year into that list.

                  share|improve this answer


                  Perl 6, 174 bytes

                  ("myuxet"X <axet teems>))[.day-of-year-1])o*-726436

                  Try it online!

                  Generate a list of all the valid dates and then indexes the day of the year into that list.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  edited 22 mins ago

                  answered 30 mins ago

                  Jo KingJo King



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