Fil:Flag of the United States.svg BeskrivelseImage notesLicenseringFilhistorikFilanvendelseGlobal filanvendelseMetadataNavigationsmenuBeskrivelsen af filenvalid3 CFR, 1959–1963 Comp., p. 368denne side (på engelsk)
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(function()var node=document.getElementById("mw-dismissablenotice-anonplace");if(node)node.outerHTML="u003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice"u003Eu003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice-close"u003E[u003Ca tabindex="0" role="button"u003ELuku003C/au003E]u003C/divu003Eu003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice-body"u003Eu003Cdiv id="localNotice" lang="da" dir="ltr"u003Eu003Cpu003EI u003Ca href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Fokusm%C3%A5ned/april_2019" title="Wikipedia:Fokusmåned/april 2019"u003Eapril 2019u003C/au003E fokuserer vi på u003Cbu003Eu003Ca href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Oprydning" title="Wikipedia:Oprydning"u003EKvalitetsforbedringu003C/au003Eu003C/bu003E af artiklerne.u003Cbr /u003EDu kan desuden deltage i årets u003Ciu003Eu003Ca href="/wiki/Bruger:Ramloser/for%C3%A5rskonkurrence_2019" title="Bruger:Ramloser/forårskonkurrence 2019"u003Eforårskonkurrenceu003C/au003Eu003C/iu003E.nu003Ciu003Eu003Csmallu003E(u003Ca href="/wiki/Hj%C3%A6lp:Sitenotice" title="Hjælp:Sitenotice"u003ELæs her om sitenoticeu003C/au003E)u003C/smallu003Eu003C/iu003Enu003C/pu003Eu003C/divu003Eu003C/divu003Eu003C/divu003E";());
Fil:Flag of the United States.svg
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Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 800 × 421 pixels. Andre opløsninger: 320 × 168 pixels | 640 × 337 pixels | 1.024 × 539 pixels | 1.280 × 674 pixels | 1.235 × 650 pixels.
Fuld opløsning (SVG fil, basisstørrelse 1.235 × 650 pixels, filstørrelse: 899 bytes)
Klik på en dato/tid for at se den version af filen.
Dato/tid | Thumbnail | Dimensioner | Bruger | Kommentar | |
nuværende | 26. mar 2015, 20:13 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (899 bytes) | Steinsplitter | see talkpage, thanks to Be..anyone and User:SiBr4 |
29. jul 2010, 08:07 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (1 KB) | Zscout370 | Reduce code | |
14. jul 2010, 20:24 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (2 KB) | Dschwen | new colors as per w:Talk:Flag of the United States | |
27. nov 2009, 23:02 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (2 KB) | Zscout370 | version by Carl Lindberg | |
26. nov 2009, 09:23 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (2 KB) | Reisio | no... _I_ am the one reverting to the status quo, you just reverted to the new version | |
26. nov 2009, 08:32 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (1 KB) | Blurpeace | Reverted to version as of 20:37, 24 November 2009 Revert to the status quo. Please start a new discussion on the talk page. | |
26. nov 2009, 08:09 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (2 KB) | Reisio | Reverted to version as of 04:59, 21 November 2009 | |
24. nov 2009, 22:37 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (1 KB) | Zscout370 | Reduce code | |
21. nov 2009, 06:59 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (2 KB) | Reisio | cleanup | |
18. nov 2009, 00:00 | ![]() | 1.235 × 650 (1 KB) | Zscout370 | Now this time it works. All code was saved, except for the beginning (redundant code). |
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- USA's flag
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- Walter Hunt
- Washington (delstat)
- Washington D.C.
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- Willard Van Orman Quine
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Global filanvendelse
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- Pola:Amirika Carékat infobox
- Pola:Infobox imperium beulanda
- Keurajeuën Beulanda
- Pola:Country data Amirika Carékat
- Pola:Country data United States of America
- Pola:Country data United States
- Pola:Country data USA
- Pola:Country data US
- Pola:Country data U.S.
- Pola:Country data AS
- Pola:Cham ethnic group infobox
- Bansa Cham
- Pola:Country data Amerika Serikat
- Pola:Sarajevo city infobox
- Sarajevo
- Seunaleuëk:USA
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