Text of the original 1971 edition:Lunar Orbiter Photo GalleryApollo Image AtlasApollo Surface PanoramasConsolidated Lunar AtlasRanger Photographs of the Moon
Guide to Lunar Orbiter Photographs
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Digital Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon  Foreword Credits The Lunar Orbiter atlas (LO) can be accessed in the following ways:
- List of Feature Names
- Search by Feature Name
- Search by Photo Number
- Search by Coordinate Range
- List of Features by Descending N Latitude
- List of Features by Descending S Latitude
- List of Features by Descending E Longitude
- List of Features by Descending W Longitude
Text of the original 1971 edition:
- Foreword
Introduction <!-- - Lunar Orbiter Spacecraft
- Photographic Subsystem
- Imperfections
- Enhancement
- Lunar Orbiter Photographs
- Definition of Terms
- Lunar Features
- Presentation and Arrangement of Atlas Photographs
- Availability of Lunar Orbiter Photographs
- Bibliography
- Figures
- Tables
- Original LO Booklet, pdf
The Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon by Bowker and Hughes (NASA SP-206) is considered the definitive reference manual to the global photographic coverage of the Moon. The images contained within the atlas are excellent for studying lunar morphology because they were obtained at low to moderate Sun angles. The digital Lunar Orbiter Atlas of the Moon is a reproduction of the 675 plates contained in Bowker and Hughes. The digital archive, however, offers many improvements upon its original hardbound predecessor. Multiple search capabilities were added to the database to expedite locating images and features of interest. For accuracy and usability, surface feature information has been updated and improved. Lastly, to aid in feature identification, a companion image containing feature annotation has been included. The symbols on the annotated overlays, however, should only be used as locators and not for precise measurements. More detailed information about the digital archive process can be read in abstracts presented at the 30th and 31st Lunar and Planetary Science Conferences. For questions or comments about this dataset please contact rpif@lpi.usra.edu. Please also visit the Lunar and Planetary Institute's companion lunar atlases:
Lunar Orbiter Photo Gallery
Apollo Image Atlas
Apollo Surface Panoramas
Consolidated Lunar Atlas
Ranger Photographs of the Moon Guide to Lunar Orbiter Photographs var _version = 1.0;_version = 1.1;<!-- if (_version<1.1) document.write(" These pages require a browser that supports JavaScript 1.1" +"Your browser cannot properly run these pages." +"If you want to view these pages, please upgrade your browser."); //-->
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