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Perang Yunani-Itali Nota kaki | Rujukan | Pautan luar | Menu pandu arahHellenic Air Force History45409635International Law in Historical PerspectivePhotos of the initial Italian offensive in EpirusPictures of the Greek side on the Greco-Italian warCommando Supremo: Invasion of Greece 28 October - Italian Order of battleCommando Supremo: Italian ArmyGreece: October 1940 (in Italian)Greece of OXIThe Defence of Greece 1940-41 website

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Perang Yunani-Itali

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Perang Greece-Itali
Sebahagian daripada Kempen Balkan dalam Perang Dunia Kedua

Surat khabar Yunani mengumumkan perang

28 Oktober 1940 - 23 April 1941
Selatan Semenanjung Balkan
HasilKemenangan taktikal Yunani, penyamaan strategik, campurtangan Jerman
Pihak yang terlibat

Itali Itali

  • Albania Albania

Yunani Yunani

Itali Sebastiano Visconti Prasca (CINC sehingga 9 November)
Itali Ubaldo Soddu (CINC sehingga pertengahan Disember)
Itali Ugo Cavallero (CINC bermula pertengahan Disember)

Yunani Alexander Papagos
565,000 anggota[1]
463 pesawat[2]
163 kereta kebal
Kurang dari 300,000 anggota
77 pesawat[2]
13,775[3][4] mati
50,874 [5][6] cedera
25,067 hilang, 21,153[7][8] darinya ditawan
52,108 sakit
12,368 cacat disebabkan frostbite
64 pesawat (24 yang lain dituntut)[2]

Jumlah: 154,172[9][10]

13,325 mati
42,485 cedera
1,237 hilang
kira-kira 25,000 cacat disebabkan frostbite
1,531[11] ditawan
52 pesawat[2]

Jumlah: ~83.578

Perang Yunani-Itali (Bahasa Yunani: Ελληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος Ellinoitalikós Pólemos atau Πόλεμος του Σαράντα Pólemos tou Saránda, "Perang '40", Bahasa Itali: Guerra di Grecia, "Perang Greece") adalah satu konflik di antara Itali dan Yunani yang mana berlangsung pada 28 Oktober 1940 sehingga 23 April 1941. Ia menandakan permulaan Kempen Balkan dalam Perang Dunia Kedua. Perang ini bermula pada 6 April 1941 dan selepasnya, iaitu selepas campurtangan Jerman Nazi yang turut dikenali sebagai Pertempuran Yunani.

Nota kaki |

  1. ^ Richter (1998), 119, 144

  2. ^ abcd Hellenic Air Force History accessed 25 March 2008

  3. ^ Rodogno (2006), pages 30

  4. ^ Cervi (1972), pages 293

  5. ^ Giorgio Rochat, Le guerre italiane 1935-1943. Dall'impero d'Etiopia alla disfatta, Einaudi, 2005, page 279

  6. ^ M. Montanari, La campagna di Grecia, Rome 1980, page 805

  7. ^ Giorgio Rochat, Le guerre italiane 1935-1943. Dall'impero d'Etiopia alla disfatta, Einaudi, 2005, page 279

  8. ^ M. Montanari, La campagna di Grecia, Rome 1980, page 805

  9. ^ Giorgio Rochat, Le guerre italiane 1935-1943. Dall'impero d'Etiopia alla disfatta, Einaudi, 2005, page 279

  10. ^ M. Montanari, La campagna di Grecia, Rome 1980, page 805

  11. ^ Rodogno (2006), pages 446

Rujukan |

  • Bauer, Eddy (2000). The History of World War II (edisi Revised edition). London, UK: Orbis Publishing. ISBN 1-85605-552-3.  Parameter |origdate= tidak diketahui diabaikan (guna |orig-year=) (bantuan); Parameter |coauthors= tidak diketahui diabaikan (guna |author=) (bantuan)Selenggaraan CS1: Extra text (link)

  • Beevor, Antony (1992). Crete: The Battle and the Resistance. Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-016787-0. 

  • Buell, Hal. (2002). World War II, Album & Chronicle. New York: Tess Press. ISBN 1-57912-271-X. 

  • Cervi, Mario (1972). The Hollow Legions. London: Chatto and Windus. ISBN 0-7011-1351-0. 

  • Ciano, Count Galeazzo (1947). The Ciano Diaries 1939-1943, Mudderidge Ed. London

  • De Felice, Renzo (1990). Mussolini l'Alleato: Italia in guerra 1940-1943. Torino: Rizzoli Ed. 

  • Goulis and Maïdis, Ο Δεύτερος Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος (The Second World War), (in Greek) (Filologiki G. Bibi, 1967)

  • Hadjipateras, C.N., Greece 1940-41 Eyewitnessed, (Efstathiadis Group, 1996) ISBN 960-226-533-7

  • Hellenic Army General Staff (1997). An Abridged History of the Greek-Italian and Greek-German War, 1940-1941 (Land Operations). Athens: Army History Directorate Editions. OCLC 45409635. 

  • David Irving, Hitler's War and the War Path (2002). ISBN 1-872197-10-8

  • Keegan, John (2005). The Second World War. Penguin. ISBN 0-14-303573-8. 

  • Knox, MacGregor (2000). Hitler's Italian Allies: Royal Armed Forces, Fascist Regime, and the War of 1940-43. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-79047-6. 

  • La Campagna di Grecia, Italian official history (in Italian), 1980.

  • Lamb, Richard (1998). Mussolini as Diplomat. London: John Murray Publishers. ISBN 0-88064-244-0

  • Mack Smith, Denis (1976). Mussolini's Roman Empire Fromm Ed. London (1949).

  • Papagos, Alexandros (1949). The Battle of Greece 1940–1941 Athens: J.M. Scazikis “Alpha”, editions. ASIN B0007J4DRU.

  • Prasca, Sebastiano Visconti (1946). Io Ho Aggredito La Grecia, Rizzoli.

  • Ian Allan Pubs. The Balkans and North Africa 1941-42 (Blitzkrieg Series #4).

  • Leni Riefenstahl, Leni Riefenstahl: A Memoir. (Picador New York, USA. 1987) pages 295 ISBN 0-312-11926-7

  • Rodogno, Davide (2006). Fascism's European Empire: Italian Occupation During the Second World War. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521845151. 

  • The Greek Army in World War II, A six volume series, Greek official history (in Greek).

  • Verzijl, J.H.W. (1970). International Law in Historical Perspective. Brill Archive. m/s. 396. 

  • Walker, Ian W. (2003). Iron Hulls, Iron Hearts; Mussolini's Elite Armoured Divisions in North Africa. Ramsbury: The Crowood Press. ISBN 1-86126-646-4. 

  • Electris, Theodore (2008). Written on the Knee: A Diary from the Greek-Italian Front of WWII. Scarletta. ISBN 9780979824937. 

Pautan luar |

  • Photos of the initial Italian offensive in Epirus

  • Pictures of the Greek side on the Greco-Italian war

  • Commando Supremo: Invasion of Greece 28 October - Italian Order of battle

  • Commando Supremo: Italian Army

  • Greece: October 1940 (in Italian)

  • Greece of OXI (Bahasa Yunani: Η Ελλάς του ΟΧΙ)

  • The Defence of Greece 1940-41 website

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