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Kategori:Rockgrupper fra Danmark
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Denne kategori indeholder musikgrupper fra den danske rockscene.
Wikimedia Commons har flere filer relateret til Rockgrupper fra Danmark
Denne kategori har nedenstående 37 underkategorier, af i alt 37.
► Bifrost (2 K, 8 S)
► Big Fat Snake (1 K, 6 S)
► Black City (3 S)
► Burnin Red Ivanhoe (1 K, 11 S)
► Carpark North (1 K, 9 S)
► D-A-D (1 K, 9 S)
► De eneste to (1 K, 3 S)
► Dizzy Mizz Lizzy (1 K, 4 S)
► Dúné (4 K, 5 S)
► Electric Guitars (5 S)
► Gasolin' (2 K, 10 S)
► Gnags (1 K, 6 S)
► Johnny Deluxe (1 K, 3 S)
► Kashmir (band) (1 K, 4 S)
► Kim Larsen & Kjukken (2 K, 7 S)
► Kliché (1 K, 7 S)
► Lars Lilholt Band (1 K, 10 S)
► Love Shop (1 K, 9 S)
► Magtens Korridorer (1 K, 4 S)
► Malurt (1 K, 5 S)
► McKinleys (1 K, 2 S)
► Metalgrupper fra Danmark (4 K, 37 S)
► Mew (1 K, 4 S)
► Moi Caprice (1 K, 3 S)
► Nephew (2 K, 9 S)
► Nice Little Penguins (1 K, 3 S)
► Saybia (5 S)
► Shit & Chanel (1 K, 6 S)
► Shu-bi-dua (2 K, 19 S)
► Sko/Torp (1 K, 3 S)
► The Asteroids Galaxy Tour (1 K, 3 S)
► The Raveonettes (1 K, 3 S)
► The Rumour Said Fire (1 K, 2 S)
► The Savage Rose (1 K, 9 S)
► Tv·2 (1 K, 7 S)
► Vildnis (1 K, 1 S)
► Warm Guns (4 S)
Sider i kategorien "Rockgrupper fra Danmark"
Denne kategori indeholder følgende 200 sider, af i alt 232.
- A Friend in London
- Ache
- ADS (band)
- Agathorn
- Alabama Black Snakes
- The Alligators
- Alrune Rod
- Alter Ego (band)
- Amazonair
- Among Relatives
- Are We Brothers?
- Art in Disorder
- Avalyn
- Baal (musikgruppe)
- Baby in Vain
- Baby Woodrose
- Balance (band)
- Ballet Mécanique (band)
- Bamses Venner
- Beefeaters (band)
- Before
- Before The Show
- Beta Satan
- Big Mama
- Black City
- Blue Sun
- The Blue Van
- Blunt (band)
- Boat Man Love
- Bodies Of Work
- Bollocks
- Bombay Rockers
- Brats
- The Breakers
- The Broken Beats
- The Bronson Brothers
- Cancer (band)
- Chainsaw Eaters
- Charlatangruppen
- Christianshavns Bluesband
- The City Kill
- City-X
- Cola Freaks
- The Company
- Coolsville
- Culpeper's Orchard
- Cy, Maia & Robert
- Daisy (band)
- Dance with Dirt
- Day Of Phoenix
- De Forbandede
- De Homine Urbano
- De Underjordiske
- Dead End City
- Dear
- Death By Kite
- Death Valley Sleepers
- The Defenders
- Delta Blues Band
- Delta Cross Band
- Diamond Drive
- Diefenbach
- Diva (rock)
- Dream City
- Dream Police
- Düreforsög
- Einstein (rockband)
- Electric Guitars
- Elevatordrengene
- Entakt
- Escape Artists
- Essence (band)
- Even Dwarfs
- Factory45
- Fahrenheit (dansk band)
- The Fashion
- Feed Back
- The Felines
- Fielfraz
- Figurines
- Frank Rubino
- Frede Fup
- Free To Choose
- Fribytterdrømme (rockgruppe)
- Frodegruppen40
- Frogstone
- Gangway
- Grand Avenue
- Granmakathryn
- Grumpynators
- Hackensack
- Halberg & Friends
- Hardinger Band
- Highway Child
- The Hitmakers
- Hola Ghost
- Hotel Hunger
- Hunch Bettors
- I Am Bones
- I Got You On Tape
- Iceage
- Illdisposed
- Jackie Boo Flight
- The Jesus Revolution
- Jetpetz
- Jomfru Ane Band
- Junkyard Drive
- Jupiter Day
- Kellermensch
- Kick The Kangaroo
- The KillerHertz
- King Diamond (band)
- Kings Of Dark Disco
- Kira & The Kindred Spirits
- Kitty Wu
- Knasterne
- Kogt i Roen
- KoLeN'
- Krisekoret
- Kræn Bysted's
- Langsyne
- Lars & the Hands of Light
- Larsen and Furious Jane
- Last Mile
- Led Zeppelin Jam
- Les Rivals
- The Lips
- Lone Kellermann og Rockbandet
- Lost Kids
- Luksus (band)
- Marquis de Sade (band)
- Matadorerne
- The Maxwells
- Melting Walkmen
- Melvis & His Gentlemen
- Menfolk
- Mescalin, Baby
- Michael Learns to Rock
- Midnight Sun (band)
- Mimas (musikgruppe)
- The Minds of 99
- Miss B. Haven
- Mo-I-Rana (band)
- Molehill
- Monomania
- Monopol (band)
- Moonjam
- Naïve
- The Naked
- Natural Born Hippies
- Nekromantix
- Nelson Can
- News
- No Knox
- No Name
- Nordnordnord
- Oh No Ono
- Orphans
- Pan (musikgruppe)
- Parkering Forbudt
- Peter og de andre kopier
- Picnic
- Pin-Ups (band)
- Playhouse
- The Pockets
- The Poisons
- President Fetch
- Psyched Up Janis
- The Psyke Project
- Rabalder
- Rock Hard Power Spray
- Rockmaskinen (band)
- Rod (band)
- Rubber Kizz
- Røde Mor
- Saint Rebel
- The Sandmen
- Savage Affair
- Scatterbrain
- Secret Oyster
- Shotgun Revolution
- Sidste Ambulance
- Sing Sing Sing (band)
- Singvogel
- Sir Henry & His Butlers
- Skagarack
- Skousen & Ingemann
- Skullclub
- Small
- Sneakers
- Snuff Pop Inc.
- Sods
- Sofamania
- Speak the King's
- Speaker Bite Me
- Spids Nøgenhat (band)
- Spillemændene
- Starfuckers
- Steppeulvene
- Stoffer & Maskinen
- Musikgrupper fra Danmark efter genre
- Rockgrupper efter land
- Rockmusikere fra Danmark
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