Random Numbers and Variables in LatexProblems with a matrix of multipart nodesHow to define the default vertical distance between nodes?Aligning tikz nodes to tabular cells?How to force nodes to have the same size in tikz matricesTable-like lines in tikz matrixInput/Output Nodes - Specification and Description Languageuse circuitikz picture inside tikzpictureSomewhat(?) Random Numbers?TIKZ Matrix nodes filled with colour afterwards and set to backgroundCommand to specify the exact height of a node in Tikz
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Random Numbers and Variables in Latex
Problems with a matrix of multipart nodesHow to define the default vertical distance between nodes?Aligning tikz nodes to tabular cells?How to force nodes to have the same size in tikz matricesTable-like lines in tikz matrixInput/Output Nodes - Specification and Description Languageuse circuitikz picture inside tikzpictureSomewhat(?) Random Numbers?TIKZ Matrix nodes filled with colour afterwards and set to backgroundCommand to specify the exact height of a node in Tikz
Below is my MWE.
I understand the gist of tikz and foreachs, but when it comes to variables I don't understand most yet.
I want an arrow pointing from each cell to a module, and them from the module to the cluster output.
As you can see, I got the loop going, but I don't know how to get random numbers. I get rand to work, but that produces the output you can see below.
I thought about 2 ways:
Make an if statement to check what number the rand number is and link that to the modules.
E.G rand == 1 -> Module 1; rand == 2 Module 2; rand == 3 Module 875 etc.
I dont get it to work likeifnumrand=1
Get a random number from a set.
I'd prefer method 2, but if you can give me any tips on how to do either I'm glad!
Any help appreciated!
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usepackage[first=1, last=4]lcg
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
%foreach x in 1,2,...,5
foreach x in -7.5, -6.5,..., 7.5
draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (x,-0.35) -- (num,-2);
%draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
%node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] Skippd;
%node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] Skipped;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-6.5,-2);
%draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
%node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] Skippd;
%node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] Skipped;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
tikz-pgf random-numbers ifthenelse random
add a comment |
Below is my MWE.
I understand the gist of tikz and foreachs, but when it comes to variables I don't understand most yet.
I want an arrow pointing from each cell to a module, and them from the module to the cluster output.
As you can see, I got the loop going, but I don't know how to get random numbers. I get rand to work, but that produces the output you can see below.
I thought about 2 ways:
Make an if statement to check what number the rand number is and link that to the modules.
E.G rand == 1 -> Module 1; rand == 2 Module 2; rand == 3 Module 875 etc.
I dont get it to work likeifnumrand=1
Get a random number from a set.
I'd prefer method 2, but if you can give me any tips on how to do either I'm glad!
Any help appreciated!
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usepackage[first=1, last=4]lcg
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
%foreach x in 1,2,...,5
foreach x in -7.5, -6.5,..., 7.5
draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (x,-0.35) -- (num,-2);
%draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
%node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] Skippd;
%node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] Skipped;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-6.5,-2);
%draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
%node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] Skippd;
%node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] Skipped;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
tikz-pgf random-numbers ifthenelse random
There is the commandpgfmathrandomitem
that allows you to get a random iterm from a list, see p. 1012 of the pgfmanual. But I am not sure what you want to achieve. Could you perhaps describe it a bit more?
– marmot
5 hours ago
Can you link me the manual? All manuals I have, have less than 1000 pages. Edit: I found it elsewhere. Works like a charm! I updated my answer for you to see what I wanted to achieve.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much? Escpecially where it points to, e.g. when the arrows go into the modules form the top side.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
add a comment |
Below is my MWE.
I understand the gist of tikz and foreachs, but when it comes to variables I don't understand most yet.
I want an arrow pointing from each cell to a module, and them from the module to the cluster output.
As you can see, I got the loop going, but I don't know how to get random numbers. I get rand to work, but that produces the output you can see below.
I thought about 2 ways:
Make an if statement to check what number the rand number is and link that to the modules.
E.G rand == 1 -> Module 1; rand == 2 Module 2; rand == 3 Module 875 etc.
I dont get it to work likeifnumrand=1
Get a random number from a set.
I'd prefer method 2, but if you can give me any tips on how to do either I'm glad!
Any help appreciated!
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usepackage[first=1, last=4]lcg
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
%foreach x in 1,2,...,5
foreach x in -7.5, -6.5,..., 7.5
draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (x,-0.35) -- (num,-2);
%draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
%node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] Skippd;
%node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] Skipped;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-6.5,-2);
%draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
%node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] Skippd;
%node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] Skipped;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
tikz-pgf random-numbers ifthenelse random
Below is my MWE.
I understand the gist of tikz and foreachs, but when it comes to variables I don't understand most yet.
I want an arrow pointing from each cell to a module, and them from the module to the cluster output.
As you can see, I got the loop going, but I don't know how to get random numbers. I get rand to work, but that produces the output you can see below.
I thought about 2 ways:
Make an if statement to check what number the rand number is and link that to the modules.
E.G rand == 1 -> Module 1; rand == 2 Module 2; rand == 3 Module 875 etc.
I dont get it to work likeifnumrand=1
Get a random number from a set.
I'd prefer method 2, but if you can give me any tips on how to do either I'm glad!
Any help appreciated!
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usepackage[first=1, last=4]lcg
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
%foreach x in 1,2,...,5
foreach x in -7.5, -6.5,..., 7.5
draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (x,-0.35) -- (num,-2);
%draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
%node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] Skippd;
%node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] Skipped;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-6.5,-2);
%draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
%draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
%node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] Skippd;
%node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] Skipped;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
tikz-pgf random-numbers ifthenelse random
tikz-pgf random-numbers ifthenelse random
edited 5 hours ago
asked 5 hours ago
There is the commandpgfmathrandomitem
that allows you to get a random iterm from a list, see p. 1012 of the pgfmanual. But I am not sure what you want to achieve. Could you perhaps describe it a bit more?
– marmot
5 hours ago
Can you link me the manual? All manuals I have, have less than 1000 pages. Edit: I found it elsewhere. Works like a charm! I updated my answer for you to see what I wanted to achieve.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much? Escpecially where it points to, e.g. when the arrows go into the modules form the top side.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
add a comment |
There is the commandpgfmathrandomitem
that allows you to get a random iterm from a list, see p. 1012 of the pgfmanual. But I am not sure what you want to achieve. Could you perhaps describe it a bit more?
– marmot
5 hours ago
Can you link me the manual? All manuals I have, have less than 1000 pages. Edit: I found it elsewhere. Works like a charm! I updated my answer for you to see what I wanted to achieve.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much? Escpecially where it points to, e.g. when the arrows go into the modules form the top side.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
There is the command
that allows you to get a random iterm from a list, see p. 1012 of the pgfmanual. But I am not sure what you want to achieve. Could you perhaps describe it a bit more?– marmot
5 hours ago
There is the command
that allows you to get a random iterm from a list, see p. 1012 of the pgfmanual. But I am not sure what you want to achieve. Could you perhaps describe it a bit more?– marmot
5 hours ago
Can you link me the manual? All manuals I have, have less than 1000 pages. Edit: I found it elsewhere. Works like a charm! I updated my answer for you to see what I wanted to achieve.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
Can you link me the manual? All manuals I have, have less than 1000 pages. Edit: I found it elsewhere. Works like a charm! I updated my answer for you to see what I wanted to achieve.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much? Escpecially where it points to, e.g. when the arrows go into the modules form the top side.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much? Escpecially where it points to, e.g. when the arrows go into the modules form the top side.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
add a comment |
1 Answer
pgf comes with a tool that selects a random item from a list. In your example, one can do, as you said
This is to summarize our conversation in the comments. As for your question: "Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much?": No, I do not have a magical tool that disentangles the arrows. What I can offer is something that makes the arrow color depend on the module and the angles of the incoming arrows arguably a bit nicer.
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning,calc
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-1) at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-2) at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-3) at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-4)at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
foreach Y in 1,...,16
path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17)
coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1);
draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$),
n1=atan2(y1,x1) in
(Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180]
(aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
% foreach X in 1,2,875,876
% foreach Y in 1,...,16
% draw[-latex,thick] (Clusters-1-Y.south) to (module-X.north);
% draw[-latex,thick] (module-X.south) to (Cluster Output-1-Y.north);
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
If you replace the loop by
foreach Y in 1,...,16
draw[thick,-latex,mycolor] (Clusters-1-Y.south)
to[out=-90,in=90,looseness=0.3] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
you get
Some arrows look kinda funky. But overall that seems pretty nice, maybe I keep the coloring but remove the curvature. Thanks alot!
– Rhynden
4 hours ago
Mhm I thought i understood it, but do you mind explaining that part?path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17) coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1); draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$), n1=atan2(y1,x1) in (Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180] (aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
Especially, what does coordinate[post=..] (aux0) and (aux1) do?
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
@Rhynden This works as follows: first, a line path between the input and the (random) module is constructed, and two (auxiliary) coordinates are recorded:aux0
at 40% of the path andaux1
at 60%. In the second part, the slope of this line is computed (n1
) and used to draw the arrow which starts out at an angle of -90 and then merges the line at the stretch fromaux0
where it has the slope of this line at the point it meets it and finally hits the module again at an angle of 90. I will also add an alternative.
– marmot
2 hours ago
Wow thanks, that's literally perfect and that explanation was superb! I was able to replicate and mess around, though I didn't get it to look nicer than that. On a side note, looseness set to 1 looks almost like your solution before. Anyways huge thanks!
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
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1 Answer
1 Answer
pgf comes with a tool that selects a random item from a list. In your example, one can do, as you said
This is to summarize our conversation in the comments. As for your question: "Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much?": No, I do not have a magical tool that disentangles the arrows. What I can offer is something that makes the arrow color depend on the module and the angles of the incoming arrows arguably a bit nicer.
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning,calc
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-1) at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-2) at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-3) at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-4)at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
foreach Y in 1,...,16
path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17)
coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1);
draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$),
n1=atan2(y1,x1) in
(Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180]
(aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
% foreach X in 1,2,875,876
% foreach Y in 1,...,16
% draw[-latex,thick] (Clusters-1-Y.south) to (module-X.north);
% draw[-latex,thick] (module-X.south) to (Cluster Output-1-Y.north);
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
If you replace the loop by
foreach Y in 1,...,16
draw[thick,-latex,mycolor] (Clusters-1-Y.south)
to[out=-90,in=90,looseness=0.3] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
you get
Some arrows look kinda funky. But overall that seems pretty nice, maybe I keep the coloring but remove the curvature. Thanks alot!
– Rhynden
4 hours ago
Mhm I thought i understood it, but do you mind explaining that part?path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17) coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1); draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$), n1=atan2(y1,x1) in (Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180] (aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
Especially, what does coordinate[post=..] (aux0) and (aux1) do?
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
@Rhynden This works as follows: first, a line path between the input and the (random) module is constructed, and two (auxiliary) coordinates are recorded:aux0
at 40% of the path andaux1
at 60%. In the second part, the slope of this line is computed (n1
) and used to draw the arrow which starts out at an angle of -90 and then merges the line at the stretch fromaux0
where it has the slope of this line at the point it meets it and finally hits the module again at an angle of 90. I will also add an alternative.
– marmot
2 hours ago
Wow thanks, that's literally perfect and that explanation was superb! I was able to replicate and mess around, though I didn't get it to look nicer than that. On a side note, looseness set to 1 looks almost like your solution before. Anyways huge thanks!
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
add a comment |
pgf comes with a tool that selects a random item from a list. In your example, one can do, as you said
This is to summarize our conversation in the comments. As for your question: "Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much?": No, I do not have a magical tool that disentangles the arrows. What I can offer is something that makes the arrow color depend on the module and the angles of the incoming arrows arguably a bit nicer.
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning,calc
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-1) at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-2) at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-3) at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-4)at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
foreach Y in 1,...,16
path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17)
coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1);
draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$),
n1=atan2(y1,x1) in
(Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180]
(aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
% foreach X in 1,2,875,876
% foreach Y in 1,...,16
% draw[-latex,thick] (Clusters-1-Y.south) to (module-X.north);
% draw[-latex,thick] (module-X.south) to (Cluster Output-1-Y.north);
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
If you replace the loop by
foreach Y in 1,...,16
draw[thick,-latex,mycolor] (Clusters-1-Y.south)
to[out=-90,in=90,looseness=0.3] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
you get
Some arrows look kinda funky. But overall that seems pretty nice, maybe I keep the coloring but remove the curvature. Thanks alot!
– Rhynden
4 hours ago
Mhm I thought i understood it, but do you mind explaining that part?path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17) coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1); draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$), n1=atan2(y1,x1) in (Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180] (aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
Especially, what does coordinate[post=..] (aux0) and (aux1) do?
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
@Rhynden This works as follows: first, a line path between the input and the (random) module is constructed, and two (auxiliary) coordinates are recorded:aux0
at 40% of the path andaux1
at 60%. In the second part, the slope of this line is computed (n1
) and used to draw the arrow which starts out at an angle of -90 and then merges the line at the stretch fromaux0
where it has the slope of this line at the point it meets it and finally hits the module again at an angle of 90. I will also add an alternative.
– marmot
2 hours ago
Wow thanks, that's literally perfect and that explanation was superb! I was able to replicate and mess around, though I didn't get it to look nicer than that. On a side note, looseness set to 1 looks almost like your solution before. Anyways huge thanks!
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
add a comment |
pgf comes with a tool that selects a random item from a list. In your example, one can do, as you said
This is to summarize our conversation in the comments. As for your question: "Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much?": No, I do not have a magical tool that disentangles the arrows. What I can offer is something that makes the arrow color depend on the module and the angles of the incoming arrows arguably a bit nicer.
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning,calc
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-1) at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-2) at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-3) at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-4)at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
foreach Y in 1,...,16
path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17)
coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1);
draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$),
n1=atan2(y1,x1) in
(Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180]
(aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
% foreach X in 1,2,875,876
% foreach Y in 1,...,16
% draw[-latex,thick] (Clusters-1-Y.south) to (module-X.north);
% draw[-latex,thick] (module-X.south) to (Cluster Output-1-Y.north);
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
If you replace the loop by
foreach Y in 1,...,16
draw[thick,-latex,mycolor] (Clusters-1-Y.south)
to[out=-90,in=90,looseness=0.3] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
you get
pgf comes with a tool that selects a random item from a list. In your example, one can do, as you said
This is to summarize our conversation in the comments. As for your question: "Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much?": No, I do not have a magical tool that disentangles the arrows. What I can offer is something that makes the arrow color depend on the module and the angles of the incoming arrows arguably a bit nicer.
a4paper, % Papierformat A4
12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
usetikzlibrarymatrix, positioning,calc
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters)
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-1) at (-6.5,-4) Modul 1;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-2) at (-2.5,-4) Modul 2;
node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) $cdots$;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-3) at (2.5,-4) Modul 875;
node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
(module-4)at (6.5,-4) Modul 876;
matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
nodes = minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white,
%column 1/.style=nodes=fill=orange,
%row 1/.style=nodes=fill=green,
%row 1 column 1/.style=nodes=draw=none, fill=none,
label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output)
foreach Y in 1,...,16
path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17)
coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1);
draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$),
n1=atan2(y1,x1) in
(Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180]
(aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
% foreach X in 1,2,875,876
% foreach Y in 1,...,16
% draw[-latex,thick] (Clusters-1-Y.south) to (module-X.north);
% draw[-latex,thick] (module-X.south) to (Cluster Output-1-Y.north);
captionLokale Rekonstruktion
If you replace the loop by
foreach Y in 1,...,16
draw[thick,-latex,mycolor] (Clusters-1-Y.south)
to[out=-90,in=90,looseness=0.3] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
you get
edited 2 hours ago
answered 4 hours ago

Some arrows look kinda funky. But overall that seems pretty nice, maybe I keep the coloring but remove the curvature. Thanks alot!
– Rhynden
4 hours ago
Mhm I thought i understood it, but do you mind explaining that part?path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17) coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1); draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$), n1=atan2(y1,x1) in (Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180] (aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
Especially, what does coordinate[post=..] (aux0) and (aux1) do?
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
@Rhynden This works as follows: first, a line path between the input and the (random) module is constructed, and two (auxiliary) coordinates are recorded:aux0
at 40% of the path andaux1
at 60%. In the second part, the slope of this line is computed (n1
) and used to draw the arrow which starts out at an angle of -90 and then merges the line at the stretch fromaux0
where it has the slope of this line at the point it meets it and finally hits the module again at an angle of 90. I will also add an alternative.
– marmot
2 hours ago
Wow thanks, that's literally perfect and that explanation was superb! I was able to replicate and mess around, though I didn't get it to look nicer than that. On a side note, looseness set to 1 looks almost like your solution before. Anyways huge thanks!
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
add a comment |
Some arrows look kinda funky. But overall that seems pretty nice, maybe I keep the coloring but remove the curvature. Thanks alot!
– Rhynden
4 hours ago
Mhm I thought i understood it, but do you mind explaining that part?path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17) coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1); draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$), n1=atan2(y1,x1) in (Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180] (aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
Especially, what does coordinate[post=..] (aux0) and (aux1) do?
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
@Rhynden This works as follows: first, a line path between the input and the (random) module is constructed, and two (auxiliary) coordinates are recorded:aux0
at 40% of the path andaux1
at 60%. In the second part, the slope of this line is computed (n1
) and used to draw the arrow which starts out at an angle of -90 and then merges the line at the stretch fromaux0
where it has the slope of this line at the point it meets it and finally hits the module again at an angle of 90. I will also add an alternative.
– marmot
2 hours ago
Wow thanks, that's literally perfect and that explanation was superb! I was able to replicate and mess around, though I didn't get it to look nicer than that. On a side note, looseness set to 1 looks almost like your solution before. Anyways huge thanks!
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
Some arrows look kinda funky. But overall that seems pretty nice, maybe I keep the coloring but remove the curvature. Thanks alot!
– Rhynden
4 hours ago
Some arrows look kinda funky. But overall that seems pretty nice, maybe I keep the coloring but remove the curvature. Thanks alot!
– Rhynden
4 hours ago
Mhm I thought i understood it, but do you mind explaining that part?
path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17) coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1); draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$), n1=atan2(y1,x1) in (Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180] (aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
Especially, what does coordinate[post=..] (aux0) and (aux1) do?– Rhynden
2 hours ago
Mhm I thought i understood it, but do you mind explaining that part?
path (Clusters-1-Y.south) -- (module-num.90-2*Y+17) coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1); draw [-latex,thick,mycolor] let p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$), n1=atan2(y1,x1) in (Clusters-1-Y.south) to[out=-90,in=n1+180] (aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=n1,in=90] (module-num.90-4*Y+34);
Especially, what does coordinate[post=..] (aux0) and (aux1) do?– Rhynden
2 hours ago
@Rhynden This works as follows: first, a line path between the input and the (random) module is constructed, and two (auxiliary) coordinates are recorded:
at 40% of the path and aux1
at 60%. In the second part, the slope of this line is computed (n1
) and used to draw the arrow which starts out at an angle of -90 and then merges the line at the stretch from aux0
to aux1
where it has the slope of this line at the point it meets it and finally hits the module again at an angle of 90. I will also add an alternative.– marmot
2 hours ago
@Rhynden This works as follows: first, a line path between the input and the (random) module is constructed, and two (auxiliary) coordinates are recorded:
at 40% of the path and aux1
at 60%. In the second part, the slope of this line is computed (n1
) and used to draw the arrow which starts out at an angle of -90 and then merges the line at the stretch from aux0
to aux1
where it has the slope of this line at the point it meets it and finally hits the module again at an angle of 90. I will also add an alternative.– marmot
2 hours ago
Wow thanks, that's literally perfect and that explanation was superb! I was able to replicate and mess around, though I didn't get it to look nicer than that. On a side note, looseness set to 1 looks almost like your solution before. Anyways huge thanks!
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
Wow thanks, that's literally perfect and that explanation was superb! I was able to replicate and mess around, though I didn't get it to look nicer than that. On a side note, looseness set to 1 looks almost like your solution before. Anyways huge thanks!
– Rhynden
2 hours ago
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There is the command
that allows you to get a random iterm from a list, see p. 1012 of the pgfmanual. But I am not sure what you want to achieve. Could you perhaps describe it a bit more?– marmot
5 hours ago
Can you link me the manual? All manuals I have, have less than 1000 pages. Edit: I found it elsewhere. Works like a charm! I updated my answer for you to see what I wanted to achieve.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago
Do you maybe have any quick idea how to stop the arrows from overlapping so much? Escpecially where it points to, e.g. when the arrows go into the modules form the top side.
– Rhynden
5 hours ago