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Category:Biochemicals SubcategoriesMedia in category "Biochemicals"Navigation menuUpload mediaLibrary of Congress authority ID: sh85014249BNCF Thesaurus ID: 39865BabelNet ID: 03026693nReasonatorScholiaStatistics

BiochemistryOrganic compounds


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molecule that is produced by a living organism


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Subclass of organic compound
Category contains chemical compound
Authority control

Wikidata Q206229
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85014249
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 39865
BabelNet ID: 03026693n

  • Reasonator

  • Scholia

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biomolécula (es); Biomolekul (ms); biomolecule (en-gb); Биомолекула (bg); Biomoleculă (ro); 生物分子 (zh-hk); Biomolikule (so); Biomolekula (sk); біомолекула (uk); 生物分子 (zh-hant); 生物分子 (zh-cn); biomolekulo (eo); biomolekula (cs); Biomolekule (bs); जीवकण (bho); biomolécule (fr); Biomolekul (jv); biomolekula (hr); ביאמאלעקול (yi); Phân tử sinh học (vi); biomolekula (lv); Biomolekule (af); биомолекул (sr); Biomolécula (pt-br); 生物分子 (zh-sg); Биомолекул (mn); biomolekyl (nn); biomolekyl (nb); Biomolekul (su); ಜೈವಿಕ-ಅಣು (kn); biomolecule (en); جزيئة حيوية (ar); biomolekula (hu); biomolekula (eu); Biomolécula (ast); biomolècula (ca); Biomolekül (de); Biumulecula (lmo); مولکول زیستی (fa); 生物分子 (zh); biomolekule (fy); 生体分子 (ja); ביומולקולה (he); जैव अणु (hi); బయో అణువులు (te); biomolekyyli (fi); Biomolecule (en-ca); உயிர்மூலக்கூறு (ta); biomolecola (it); Biomolekul (et); 生物分子 (zh-hans); Biomolecula (lfn); Biomolekuli (sh); Biomolekul (sr-el); Biomolecula (an); โมเลกุลชีวภาพ (th); biomolecuul (nl); biomolecule (sco); biomolekyl (sv); حیاتیاتی مرکبات (ur); Биомолекул (sr-ec); biomolekyle (da); Biomolekul (id); biomolekuła (pl); Bith-mhoileciuil (gd); 生物分子 (zh-tw); Biyomolekül (tr); Биомолекулы (ru); биомолекула (mk); biomolécula (pt); Biomolécula (gl); Biomolekullar (az); Βιομόριο (el); ម៉ូលេគុលជីវភាព (km) molécula producida por un organismo vivo (es); Molécule d'origine biologique (fr); molekyl produsert av ein levande organisme (nn); молекула, яка виробляється живим організмом (uk); organismo bizidun batek sortutako molekula (eu); Molekül biologischen Ursprungs (de); orgaaninen yhdiste (fi); molecule that is produced by a living organism (en); молекула произведена од жив организам (mk); molekula vytvořená živým organizmem (cs); Moléculas e íons presentes em organismos, essenciais para processos biológicos (pt) biocompuestos, biomoléculas, biomolecula, biomoleculas, materia viva, biocompuesto (es); Biomolecule, Biomoléculaire, Macromolécules biologiques, Macromolécule biologique, Bio molécule, Macromolécule naturelle, Macromolécules naturelles, Biomolécules, Bio-molécule, Molécule biologique, Biopolymères, Molécules biologiques, Macromolécule naturelles (fr); Biomolekulid (et); Biomolècules, Principi immediat, Principis immediats (ca); Biomoléculas (pt); biomolekulas, bioloģiska molekula (lv); Biomolekuli (sr); Biyomoleküller (tr); 生物分子, バイオ分子 (ja); ชีวโมเลกุล, Biomolecule, ไบโอโมเลกุล, สารชีวโมเลกุล (th); biologisk molekyl (nn); біомолекули (uk); Biomoleculen (nl); Biomolekule (sh); biologisk molekyl (nb); Biomolecole (it); Biomolecola (lmo); biological molecule (en); جزيئه حيويه, Biomolecule, مركبات حيوية, الجزيئات الحيوية, المواد الحيوية, مركب حيوي, جزيء حيوي, جزيئات حيوية (ar); biomolekuly (cs); Биомолекула (ru)


This category has the following 29 subcategories, out of 29 total.


  • Advanced glycation end products‎ (4 F)

  • Alkaloids‎ (28 C, 1 P, 724 F)

  • Amino acids‎ (44 C, 1 P, 325 F)

  • Animations of biochemicals‎ (2 C)

  • Antioxidants‎ (23 C, 78 F)


  • Bile‎ (5 F)

  • Biomolecules‎ (8 C, 1 F)

  • Biopolymers‎ (7 C, 17 F)


  • Carbohydrates‎ (22 C, 80 F)

  • Cofactors‎ (11 C, 23 F)


  • Glycosides‎ (46 C, 252 F)


  • Hormones‎ (19 C, 79 F)


  • Intermediates‎ (28 C, 384 F)


  • Lipids‎ (24 C, 171 F)


  • Neurotransmitters‎ (22 C, 1 P, 60 F)

  • Nucleic acids‎ (16 C, 82 F)

  • Nucleobases‎ (4 C, 22 F)


  • Peptides‎ (31 C, 360 F)

  • Pheromones‎ (11 C, 86 F)

  • Photosynthetic pigments‎ (1 C, 27 F)

  • Plant dyes‎ (5 C, 39 F)

  • Polyamines‎ (11 C, 70 F)

  • Polyphenols‎ (16 C, 92 F)

  • Psoralen‎ (11 F)


  • Radicals‎ (18 C, 120 F)


  • Terpenes‎ (30 C, 1 P, 93 F)

  • Tetrapyrroles‎ (7 C, 125 F)

  • Toxins‎ (9 C, 122 F)


  • Vitamins‎ (11 C, 1 P, 54 F)

Media in category "Biochemicals"

The following 39 files are in this category, out of 39 total.

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