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Størrelse af denne forhåndsvisning: 592 × 599 pixels. Andre opløsninger: 237 × 240 pixels | 474 × 480 pixels | 593 × 600 pixels | 759 × 768 pixels | 1.159 × 1.173 pixels.
Fuld opløsning (1.159 × 1.173 punkter, filstørrelse: 722 KB, MIME-Type: image/png)
Klik på en dato/tid for at se den version af filen.
Dato/tid | Thumbnail | Dimensioner | Bruger | Kommentar | |
nuværende | 25. sep 2017, 00:05 | ![]() | 1.159 × 1.173 (722 KB) | Splette | Reverted to version as of 07:48, 19 July 2012 (UTC) |
9. sep 2017, 06:36 | ![]() | 1.033 × 1.143 (602 KB) | Marcel Lemaitre Merlano | Reverted to version as of 12:29, 23 July 2009 (UTC) | |
19. jul 2012, 09:48 | ![]() | 1.159 × 1.173 (722 KB) | Splette | correct depiction of oxygen atoms | |
23. jul 2009, 14:29 | ![]() | 1.033 × 1.143 (602 KB) | Splette | Reverted to version as of 05:39, 27 February 2008 - not an overall improvement and heme group is missing | |
22. jul 2009, 14:15 | ![]() | 1.038 × 968 (480 KB) | Ulikoehler | Re-rendererd with PyMOL raytracing | |
27. feb 2008, 07:39 | ![]() | 1.033 × 1.143 (602 KB) | AzaToth | made it look more professional | |
27. feb 2008, 07:30 | ![]() | 1.162 × 1.177 (589 KB) | AzaToth | updated pymol image | |
7. okt 2006, 16:50 | ![]() | 656 × 670 (207 KB) | Splette | {{Information |Description=3D structure of Myoglobin in cartoon representation |Source=own work, based on atomic structure of PDB ID 1MBO , rendered with PyMol ( |Date=07.10.2006 |Author=Thomas Splettstoesser |Permission=own work |other_vers | |
2. mar 2005, 15:04 | ![]() | 695 × 702 (68 KB) | Knutux | Myoglobin 3D structure` |
De følgende 2 sider bruger denne fil:
- Biomolekyle
- Myoglobin
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