What's preferable: to count Sefiras Haomer right at nightfall by oneself OR to count later with a Ma'ariv minyan?Sefiras HaOmer - earliest time to countEating before Davening with a Minyan, or Davening at home and not eating till later?Variant on: Is it better to Daven “too early” with a Minyan, or to Daven alone at the right time?Starting the Seder after Sheki'ah (sunset)?Is it more preferable to pray with concentration alone or with a minyan in shul?Is davening a “late” mincha in contradiction with counting an “early” sefira?Are there any halakhic issues with watching television or youtube videos during sefiras haomer?
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What's preferable: to count Sefiras Haomer right at nightfall by oneself OR to count later with a Ma'ariv minyan?
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What's preferable: to count Sefiras Haomer right at nightfall by oneself OR to count later with a Ma'ariv minyan?
Sefiras HaOmer - earliest time to countEating before Davening with a Minyan, or Davening at home and not eating till later?Variant on: Is it better to Daven “too early” with a Minyan, or to Daven alone at the right time?Starting the Seder after Sheki'ah (sunset)?Is it more preferable to pray with concentration alone or with a minyan in shul?Is davening a “late” mincha in contradiction with counting an “early” sefira?Are there any halakhic issues with watching television or youtube videos during sefiras haomer?
I've heard opinions (including The Shulchan Aruch Harav- see footnote #12) that one should always try to count the Sefira within the first half hour of the night, and the earlier the better.
BUT if one is planning on attending Ma'ariv minyan later:
- Should a person count Sefirah at nightfall by himself OR wait to count later with a Ma'ariv minyan?
(ie is counting earlier b'yichudus better than counting later with a minyan)
halacha sefirat-ha-omer
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I've heard opinions (including The Shulchan Aruch Harav- see footnote #12) that one should always try to count the Sefira within the first half hour of the night, and the earlier the better.
BUT if one is planning on attending Ma'ariv minyan later:
- Should a person count Sefirah at nightfall by himself OR wait to count later with a Ma'ariv minyan?
(ie is counting earlier b'yichudus better than counting later with a minyan)
halacha sefirat-ha-omer
Thinking out loud: maybe we can also suggest this is a case of "תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם" vs "זריזין מקדימין למצוות"?
– alicht
2 hours ago
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I've heard opinions (including The Shulchan Aruch Harav- see footnote #12) that one should always try to count the Sefira within the first half hour of the night, and the earlier the better.
BUT if one is planning on attending Ma'ariv minyan later:
- Should a person count Sefirah at nightfall by himself OR wait to count later with a Ma'ariv minyan?
(ie is counting earlier b'yichudus better than counting later with a minyan)
halacha sefirat-ha-omer
I've heard opinions (including The Shulchan Aruch Harav- see footnote #12) that one should always try to count the Sefira within the first half hour of the night, and the earlier the better.
BUT if one is planning on attending Ma'ariv minyan later:
- Should a person count Sefirah at nightfall by himself OR wait to count later with a Ma'ariv minyan?
(ie is counting earlier b'yichudus better than counting later with a minyan)
halacha sefirat-ha-omer
halacha sefirat-ha-omer
asked 2 hours ago

Thinking out loud: maybe we can also suggest this is a case of "תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם" vs "זריזין מקדימין למצוות"?
– alicht
2 hours ago
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Thinking out loud: maybe we can also suggest this is a case of "תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם" vs "זריזין מקדימין למצוות"?
– alicht
2 hours ago
Thinking out loud: maybe we can also suggest this is a case of "תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם" vs "זריזין מקדימין למצוות"?
– alicht
2 hours ago
Thinking out loud: maybe we can also suggest this is a case of "תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם" vs "זריזין מקדימין למצוות"?
– alicht
2 hours ago
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1 Answer
Aruch Hashulchan O.C. 489:10
דרך העולם לספור אחר תפילת ערבית אבל אין הספירה תלויה בזה דיכול לספור גם קודם ק"ש ותפלה אם הוא לילה
The way of the world is to count after the evening prayer, but the counting is not dependent on this – one is allowed to count even before Shema and prayer, if it is night.
This makes it sound like there is no inherent reason to juxtapose Sefirah to Ma'ariv. (See also Mishnah Berurah 489:18.)
Mishnah Berurah 489:2
קודם עלינו דכל מה דאפשר לאקדומי מקדמינן כדי שיתקיים יותר מה שכתוב תמימות תהיינה
And before Aleinu, for all that one can make it earlier we make it earlier, in order to better fulfill that which is written "they should be complete".
This makes it sound like there is an inherent reason to count as early as possible.
Interesting- so your answer seems to suggest that not only is counting earlier b'ychidus allowed, it may even be preferable to do so rather than count later with a minyan
– alicht
7 mins ago
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1 Answer
1 Answer
Aruch Hashulchan O.C. 489:10
דרך העולם לספור אחר תפילת ערבית אבל אין הספירה תלויה בזה דיכול לספור גם קודם ק"ש ותפלה אם הוא לילה
The way of the world is to count after the evening prayer, but the counting is not dependent on this – one is allowed to count even before Shema and prayer, if it is night.
This makes it sound like there is no inherent reason to juxtapose Sefirah to Ma'ariv. (See also Mishnah Berurah 489:18.)
Mishnah Berurah 489:2
קודם עלינו דכל מה דאפשר לאקדומי מקדמינן כדי שיתקיים יותר מה שכתוב תמימות תהיינה
And before Aleinu, for all that one can make it earlier we make it earlier, in order to better fulfill that which is written "they should be complete".
This makes it sound like there is an inherent reason to count as early as possible.
Interesting- so your answer seems to suggest that not only is counting earlier b'ychidus allowed, it may even be preferable to do so rather than count later with a minyan
– alicht
7 mins ago
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Aruch Hashulchan O.C. 489:10
דרך העולם לספור אחר תפילת ערבית אבל אין הספירה תלויה בזה דיכול לספור גם קודם ק"ש ותפלה אם הוא לילה
The way of the world is to count after the evening prayer, but the counting is not dependent on this – one is allowed to count even before Shema and prayer, if it is night.
This makes it sound like there is no inherent reason to juxtapose Sefirah to Ma'ariv. (See also Mishnah Berurah 489:18.)
Mishnah Berurah 489:2
קודם עלינו דכל מה דאפשר לאקדומי מקדמינן כדי שיתקיים יותר מה שכתוב תמימות תהיינה
And before Aleinu, for all that one can make it earlier we make it earlier, in order to better fulfill that which is written "they should be complete".
This makes it sound like there is an inherent reason to count as early as possible.
Interesting- so your answer seems to suggest that not only is counting earlier b'ychidus allowed, it may even be preferable to do so rather than count later with a minyan
– alicht
7 mins ago
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Aruch Hashulchan O.C. 489:10
דרך העולם לספור אחר תפילת ערבית אבל אין הספירה תלויה בזה דיכול לספור גם קודם ק"ש ותפלה אם הוא לילה
The way of the world is to count after the evening prayer, but the counting is not dependent on this – one is allowed to count even before Shema and prayer, if it is night.
This makes it sound like there is no inherent reason to juxtapose Sefirah to Ma'ariv. (See also Mishnah Berurah 489:18.)
Mishnah Berurah 489:2
קודם עלינו דכל מה דאפשר לאקדומי מקדמינן כדי שיתקיים יותר מה שכתוב תמימות תהיינה
And before Aleinu, for all that one can make it earlier we make it earlier, in order to better fulfill that which is written "they should be complete".
This makes it sound like there is an inherent reason to count as early as possible.
Aruch Hashulchan O.C. 489:10
דרך העולם לספור אחר תפילת ערבית אבל אין הספירה תלויה בזה דיכול לספור גם קודם ק"ש ותפלה אם הוא לילה
The way of the world is to count after the evening prayer, but the counting is not dependent on this – one is allowed to count even before Shema and prayer, if it is night.
This makes it sound like there is no inherent reason to juxtapose Sefirah to Ma'ariv. (See also Mishnah Berurah 489:18.)
Mishnah Berurah 489:2
קודם עלינו דכל מה דאפשר לאקדומי מקדמינן כדי שיתקיים יותר מה שכתוב תמימות תהיינה
And before Aleinu, for all that one can make it earlier we make it earlier, in order to better fulfill that which is written "they should be complete".
This makes it sound like there is an inherent reason to count as early as possible.
answered 1 hour ago
Interesting- so your answer seems to suggest that not only is counting earlier b'ychidus allowed, it may even be preferable to do so rather than count later with a minyan
– alicht
7 mins ago
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Interesting- so your answer seems to suggest that not only is counting earlier b'ychidus allowed, it may even be preferable to do so rather than count later with a minyan
– alicht
7 mins ago
Interesting- so your answer seems to suggest that not only is counting earlier b'ychidus allowed, it may even be preferable to do so rather than count later with a minyan
– alicht
7 mins ago
Interesting- so your answer seems to suggest that not only is counting earlier b'ychidus allowed, it may even be preferable to do so rather than count later with a minyan
– alicht
7 mins ago
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Thinking out loud: maybe we can also suggest this is a case of "תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם" vs "זריזין מקדימין למצוות"?
– alicht
2 hours ago